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Presentation summaries

In groups of two you will write up a detailed summary of another group's presentation. Please sign up for a report slot by Monday, September 9; see the calendar for the topic and suggested papers for each slot.

Summary tips

  • The summary should synthesize the main points in the presentation and in-class discussion, filling in gaps or elaborating on unclear points. Do not simply transcribe verbatim what everyone said during class.
  • You may have to refer to the source papers to clear up some details, but the report should be primarily focused on what was presented: this will be both more and less than what was in the original papers. These are not paper summaries; they are presentation summaries.
  • You will need to take detailed notes, or even make an audio recording.
  • If you have questions, the best time to ask is during the presentation.
  • See here for more on summaries.
  • See here for common things to watch for as you prepare your reports.

I will then work with you to polish the notes and then upload them to Canvas---submit something that you would be proud for your classmates to see!


  • When are summaries due?

Within one week of the presentation, while the details are still fresh in your mind.

  • How should we type up summaries?

Notes should be typed up neatly in LaTeX using this template. You may make additional macros if needed, but try to stick to what is there.

  • How should we turn in summaries?

Share your summary with me by sending a link to Overleaf. Note that you can work on the summary in some other environment, then copy to Overleaf if you prefer.

  • How long should summaries be?

There is no set length, but the summary should be detailed enough for a reader to reconstruct most of what happened during the presentation in a fair amount of detail.

  • What should I do if I don't know LaTeX?

Try to find a partner who does know LaTeX, or you will need to get up to speed with tutorials (e.g., here).