Lecture 01

Theory and Design of PL (CS 538)

January 27, 2020

Why study programming languages?

Programming languages are everywhere!

Standard applications

  • Systems and low-level tasks
    • C, C++, Assembly, Rust, Go, …
  • Higher-level/general-purpose
    • Java, C#, OCaml, Haskell, Lisp, Python, Ruby, …
  • Web development and mobile apps
    • Javascript, Swift, Dart, Objective-C, …
  • Scripting
    • Bash, Perl, Awk, Sed, …


  • Database queries
  • Networking and distributed systems
  • Typesetting
  • Configuration and build systems
  • Theorem proving
  • Graphics and GPUs, hardware and FPGAs
  • Numerical and scientific computing
  • Parsing and lexing
  • Blockchain and smart contracts

How we tell computers what to do

  • From human thoughts to precise instructions
    • Enable computers to help us program
    • Spot mistakes, perform optimizations, etc.

PL shapes how we think

  • Programmers think in terms of language abstractions
    • Classes, objects, functions, types, …
    • Fits complex systems into human brains

What are PLs for?

Writing programs

  • Small one-off scripts
    • Automate some boring task
  • Useful applications
    • Notetaking app, web server, …
  • Serious corporate products ($$$)
    • Google, Facebook, Amazon, Apple, …
  • Critical infrastructure
    • Hospitals, power plants, electricity grids, …

Reusing existing code

  • Share code between members of a team
  • Use built-in standard libraries
  • Open-source community, Github

Preventing errors

  • At compile-time
    • Rule out nonsensical programs
    • Catch common mistakes automatically
    • Check for security vulnerabilities
  • Through better design
    • Make certain kinds of errors impossible
    • Ensure programmer handles all cases

“Billion-dollar mistake”

I call it my billion-dollar mistake […]
This has led to innumerable errors, vulnerabilities, and system crashes, which have probably caused a billion dollars of pain and damage.

  • Tony Hoare, on inventing null pointers/references

Organizing software

  • Software: most complex human-designed thing, ever
  • Not limited by laws of physics
    • If you build a 1000 story skyscraper, it will collapse
  • Limited by complexity
    • If you produce enough code, you will run out of programmers to fix bugs
  • PLs: first line of defense to manage complexity

There’s a lot of code

How much?

A theory of programming languages?

A bunch of languages?

  • Many languages sort of “look the same”
  • Every real language has a ton of quirks
    • Historical accidents
    • Specific constraints
  • Essential features of PLs often hard to see

“Programming Paradigms”?

  • Popular way of categorizing PLs
    • Objected-oriented (OO)
    • Functional (FP)
    • Imperative
    • Declarative
  • Hard to pin down what these paradigms mean
    • Most languages have features from all paradigms
    • A programming style, or a kind of language?

Yes: Common PL features

  • Many PLs arrived at the same few concepts
    • Examples: variables, functions, loops
  • Analyze the essence of each feature
  • Understand how different features interact

Yes: Formalize languages

  • Study toy models of programming languages
    • Extremely simplified (not practical)
    • Focus on just a few, essential features
  • Formally defined using mathematics
    • Clearest way to think about languages
    • Possible to prove things about languages
    • Provides a rigorous foundation to PL

“Ease of use/Ergonomics”

  • Depends on things like…
    • What PLs a programmer is familiar with
    • A programmer’s mental model of programs
    • How “readable” programs are
    • Specific details (braces/parentheses, …)
  • Hard to analyze scientifically

Supporting tools

  • Development tools
    • IDE, debugger, linter, code formatter, GUI designer
  • Standard libraries and documentation
    • Math, data structures, networking, DB, graphics, …
  • “Toolchain”: compiler, package manager, runtime
  • Requires a lot of development effort ($$$)

Social factors

  • Specific niche
    • iOS apps, scientific computing
  • Community
    • Reddit, Stack Overflow, packages on Github
  • Industrial influence
    • “Language for NVIDIA GPUs”
  • Reputation and stereotypes
    • “Real hackers use C”
  • Advertising and marketing
    • Tech talks, conferences, charismatic leaders

What makes a language “good”?

Specify well-formed programs

  • Language should describe:
    • Which programs are well-formed
    • Which programs are not well-formed

Define what programs look like!

Describe behavior of programs

  • Language should describe:
    • How well-formed programs should behave
    • What are acceptable outputs, and what are not
    • Which programs are equivalent, and which are not

Define what programs should do!

Make it easy
to combine programs

  • Should be possible to:
    • Understand program by looking at individual parts
    • Put programs together without causing bugs
  • Crucial for managing complexity
  • Makes language feel elegant and well-designed

Make it hard
to write bad programs

  • Make some errors impossible
    • Null pointer, buffer overflows, forgotten cases, …
  • Catch errors early, at compile time
    • Better not to crash during rocket launch
  • Warn when programmer does something dangerous

Course plan and overall goals

Hands-on experience

  • Use cutting-edge programming languages
  • First half: Haskell
    • Functional programming
    • Advanced type system
    • Tight control of effects
  • Second half: Rust
    • Imperative programming
    • Neat memory-management mechanisms
    • Fearless concurrency

Explore PL features

  • Type systems of all kinds
  • Typeclasses/traits
  • Effect systems
  • Mutable and immutable references
  • Lifetimes and memory ownership

Formalize languages

  • Sprinkled throughout: core lectures
    • Work with toy languages
    • Define program syntax and grammars
    • Set up operational semantics
    • Design type systems
  • This part: on paper (no programming)

Course format

We will care more about:

  • Learning core Haskell and Rust
  • Specifying languages precisely
  • Specifying type systems precisely

We will care less about:

  • Implementations: compilers, JITs, runtimes, …
    • Would require a whole course to cover properly
  • Performance (time and space)
    • Lots of tricks and techniques
  • Formally proving stuff about programs
    • Not super difficult, but we don’t have time
  • Experimental language features
    • Very interesting, but we will steer clear


  • Assignments
    • Both programming and written components
    • Roughly 2-3 weeks per assignment
  • Midterm exam: in class
  • Final exam: take home
  • Communications: ask/answer questions on Piazza



  • On calendar: references for each lecture
    • RWH: Real World Haskell
    • LYAH: Learn You a Haskell for Great Good
    • PFPL: Practical Foundations for PL
  • Very helpful and recommended, but not required

Experiment in progress

  • This course was first taught last year
  • Everything is pretty new: format, lectures, HWs
  • Haskell and Rust both move fast; we will too

Bottom line

If something is not working, please let us know ASAP and we will try to fix it.



  • Instructional machines all have Haskell software
  • GHC and HLint should just work
  • Don’t waste time fighting installation errors; ask us

Written exercises

  • Type up solutions or scan
  • Some parts we won’t cover until next week

Programming exercises

  • Check out resources page on course site
  • You will have to search in the docs
    • Hayoo/Hoogle: searching by type
  • GHCi will help you see what your code is doing

Compiler errors

  • Strong type system: Compiler will complain, a lot
  • Languages have type inference
    • Pro: usually don’t have to write types
    • Con: harder time reporting error location

Some advice

  • Step 1: Don’t panic!
  • Step 2: Take errors one at a time, in order
    • No matter how tempting: never jump ahead!
    • Fixing one error often fixes many others
  • Step 3: Try to add type annotations
    • Help compiler narrow down what type you mean

Late day policy

  • You will each have 6 late days total
  • Can spend at most 2 late days per HW
  • One day = 24 hours from the due time
  • Bonus credit for unused late days

HW1 out later tonight

  • Due in two weeks
  • Programming exercises and written exercises
  • See full instructions on class site

Start as early as you can!

Functional programming

A brief history

  • Based on lambda calculus by Alonzo Church (1930s)
  • First real language: Lisp by John McCarthy (1950s)
  • Popularized by many, especially John Backus
  • ML developed by Robin Milner at Edinburgh (1973)
  • Miranda and Haskell in late 1980s

Building block: functions

  • A function has two components:
    • Input: arguments passed to function
    • Output: result of running function
  • Functions are first class: treated like any other value
    • Can be passed into other functions
    • Can be returned from other functions
  • Combine functions to build new functions

Control “side-effects”

  • Pure functions fully described by input/output
    • Always return same result on fixed input
  • Avoid hidden state
    • Counters, local variables, etc.
  • Carefully manage side-effects
    • Printing, reading a file, etc.

Think about programs in isolation

A Taste of Haskell

Declaring functions

double :: Int -> Int
double n = n + n
  • First line: optional type signature/type annotation
    • This one says: function from Int to Int
  • Second line: function definition/function body

Calling functions

  • Format: put function name, space(s), argument
myBool  = myFun 42    -- Call with 42
-- NOT: myBool = myFun(42) 

myBool' = constFun () -- Call with unit

Multiple arguments?

doublePlus :: Int -> Int -> Int
doublePlus x y = double x + double y
-- SAME AS: doublePlus x y = (double x) + (double y)
-- BUT NOT: doublePlus x y = double(x) + double(y)
  • Type signature: doublePlus takes two inputs
  • Function calls: double x and double y

Case analysis

Standard if-then-else:

doubleIfBig :: Int -> Int
doubleIfBig n = if (n > 100) then n + n else n

Cleaner (or for more cases):

doubleIfBig' :: Int -> Int
doubleIfBig' n
    | n > 100   = n + n
    | otherwise = n

Another way to match

Use a case expression:

listPrinter''' :: [Int] -> String
listPrinter''' l = case l of
                   []     -> "Empty list :("
                   (x:xs) -> (show x) ++ " and " ++ (show xs)

Declaring variables

At the beginning…

tripleSecret :: Int
tripleSecret = let secret = mySecretNum
                   other  = myOtherNum
               in 3 * secret + other

…or at the end

tripleSecret' :: Int
tripleSecret' = 3 * secret + other
                where secret = mySecretNum
                      other  = myOtherNum

Tuples and lists

Building tuples

  • Tuples are pairs/triples/…
myTuple2 :: (Int, Int)
myTuple2 = (7, 42)

myTriple :: (Int, Int, Int)
myTriple = (7, 42, 108)

More tuples

  • Tuples can mix and match different types
myMixedTuple :: (Int, Int, Bool)
myMixedTuple = (7, 42, false)
  • Empty tuple is unit type, only one possible value
emptyTuple :: ()
emptyTuple = ()

Working with tuples

  • Get first or second elements:
fstInt :: (Int, Int) -> Int
fstInt (x, y) = x

sndInt :: (Int, Int) -> Int
sndInt (x, y) = y

-- In standard library:
fst :: (a, b) -> a
fst (x, y) = x

snd :: (a, b) -> b
snd (x, y) = y

Working with tuples

  • Swap elements of tuple
swapInt :: (Int, Int) -> (Int, Int)
swapInt (x, y) = (y, x)
swap :: (a, b) -> (b, a)
swap (x, y) = (y, x)

List of things of same type

This is a list of four integers:

myList :: [Int]
myList = [1, 2, 3, 4]

Lots of operations on lists:

myList'     = 0 : myList       -- [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]
myFirstElem = head myList      -- 1
myLength    = length myList    -- 4
myBigList   = myList ++ myList -- [1, 2, 3, 4, 1, 2, 3, 4]
doubleSmalls = [ 2 * x | x <- myList, x < 3 ] -- [2, 4]

Pattern matching

Define functions on list by case analysis:

listPrinter :: [Int] -> String
listPrinter []     = "Empty list :("
listPrinter (x:xs) = "List: " ++ (show x) ++ " and " ++ (show xs)

Underscore _ matches any value:

listPrinter' :: [Int] -> String
listPrinter' [] = "Empty list :("
listPrinter' _  = "List with something :)"

More about functions

Inputs to outputs

  • Same input always leads to same output
    • No hidden dependence/effects
    • Think: “functions in math class”
  • No side effects! This always returns same value:
constFun :: () -> Bool
-- Either always returns True, or always returns False

Infix functions

  • Often convenient to write binary functions infix
myAppend :: [Int] -> [Int] -> [Int]
myAppend list list' = list ++ list'
  • Can turn any binary function into infix operator:
myLists = [1, 2] `myAppend` [3, 4] -- = myAppend [1, 2] [3, 4]

-- Symbol function names can be used infix by default
(@@) :: [Int] -> [Int] -> [Int]
list @@ list' = myAppend list list'

myLists' = [1, 2] @@ [3, 4] -- = (@@) [1, 2] [3, 4]

Anonymous functions

  • Can define function without giving a name
  • Useful for small, one-off functions
plusFour = doTwice (\x -> x + 2)
-- \x looks like λx
  • Can take multiple arguments
plus = \x y -> x + y
-- SAME AS: plus     = \x -> \y -> x + y
-- SAME AS: plus x   = \y -> x + y
-- SAME AS: plus x y = x + y
-- SAME AS: plus     = (+)

Remember environment

  • What does ext refer to below?
ext :: Int
ext = 42

myFun = \arg -> arg + ext
  • Anonymous function can use outside variables
  • If myFun called elsewhere, remembers value of ext
  • This kind of function is also called a closure

More about Variables

Think: definition/abbreviation

What is the result of the following program?

let foo = 1 in
  let foo = 2 in

Answer: 2. Looks like foo was updated…

Variables are never “updated”

What about the following programs?

let foo = 1 in
  (let foo = 2 in foo) + foo
let foo = 1 in
  foo + (let foo = 2 in foo)

Answer: 3. Inner foo has nothing to do with outer foo!