Lecture 05

Theory and Design of PL (CS 538)

February 05, 2020

Defining new types

Why use custom types?

  • Better describe what programs should “mean”
    • Is this integer measuring length, or weight?
    • Use the compiler to do these basic checks

Sanitizing input

  • In Haskell: newtype declaration
newtype CheckedStr   = Safe String
newtype UncheckedStr = Unsafe String
  • Suppose: have some way to check strings
checkString :: UncheckedStr -> CheckedStr

Sanitizing input

  • Compiler makes sure you don’t forget to check!
processSafeStr :: CheckedStr -> Output
processSafeStr = ...

mysteryStr :: UncheckedStr
mysteryStr = ...

processSafeStr (checkString mysteryStr) -- OK
processSafeStr (mysteryStr)             -- Compiler complains!

Why use custom types?

  • Support more richer data
    • Not just integers, booleans, and functions
    • Lists, trees, maps, etc.

Three key ingredients

  1. Name of type, and parameters
    • Simple: char for character
    • Complex: [a] for list of elements of same type
  2. Some way to make things of this type
    • Package up parts into a data of the new type
    • Also called constructors
  3. Some way to use things of this type
    • Use data packaged inside things of this type
    • Also called destructors

Example: Products

Also known as tuples

  • Wrap up several pieces of data into one
  • Just one option: must contain all data
data Pair a b = MkPair a b
  • Type variables a and b: can stand for any type
(MkPair 1 True) :: Pair Int Bool

Using tuples

  • Given tuple, pattern match to extract data
fstPair :: Pair a b -> a
fstPair (MkPair x _) = x

sndPair :: Pair a b -> b
sndPair (MkPair _ y) = y
  • Note: still need to put the constructor MkPair

Types with parameters

  • Pair is an example of a parametric type
  • Any two types a and b give a type Pair a b
  • Can require parameters to be the same:
data SamePair a = MkSamePair a a

(MkSamePair 1 3)        :: SamePair Int
(MkSamePair True False) :: SamePair Bool

-- Not allowed: (MkSamePair 1 False)

Fancier products: records

  • Sometimes we want to work with large tuples:
data Person = MkPerson
    String    -- Name
    Bool      -- Is employed?
    Bool      -- Is married?
    Int       -- Age
    String    -- Address
  • Very annoying (and error-prone) to work with:
getName   (MkPerson name _   _ _ _) = name
getEmploy (MkPerson _    emp _ _ _) = emp

Record syntax

  • Haskell provides record syntax for these tuples
data Person = MkPerson
    { name     :: String    -- Name
    , employed :: Bool      -- Is employed?
    , married  :: Bool      -- Is married?
    , age      :: Int       -- Age
    , address  :: String    -- Address
  • Automatically generates accessor functions:
name     :: Person -> String
employed :: Person -> Bool

Building records

  • Standard syntax for building a new record:
defaultPerson  :: Person
defaultPerson  = MkPerson
    { name     = "John Doe"
    , employed = True
    , married  = False
    , age      = 30
    , address  = "123 Main Street, Anytown, WI"

Using records

  • Standard syntax for updating records:
-- Keep all fields the same, except for name and address:
defaultPerson' = defaultPerson
    { name = "Jane Doe"
    , address = "456 Main Street, Anytown, WI }
  • Can pattern match on selected fields
getNameAddress :: Person -> (String, String)
getNameAddress (MkPerson { name = n, address = a }) = (n, a)

Example: Sums

Also known as enums

  • Basic idea: choice between different options
  • Example: a type Color
data Color = Red | Green | Blue
  • Can pack additional data with each option:
data Time = HoursMinutes Int Int | Minutes Int

Building enums

data Time = HoursMinutes Int Int | Minutes Int
  • First label in each option is a data constructor
  • Two constructors: HoursMinutes and Minutes
  • Can make a Time in exactly two ways:
    • HoursMinutes 11 59 :: Time
    • Minutes 1800 :: Time

Extracting data

  • Pattern match: give program to run for each option
whatColorBellPepper :: Color -> String
whatColorBellPepper Red   = "It is red."
whatColorBellPepper Green = "It is green!"
whatColorBellPepper Blue  = "It is blue?"
  • Can also match on data inside different options
whatTime :: Time -> String
whatTime (HoursMinutes m h) = (show m) ++ ":" ++  (show h)
whatTime (Minutes m)        = (show m) ++ " min. past midnight"

Example: Maybe

Building maybes

  • A Maybe a is either nothing, or an a
data Maybe a = Nothing | Just a
  • To make something of this type, use constructors
noValue :: Maybe Int
noValue = Nothing

someValue :: Maybe Int
someValue = Just 13

Unwrapping maybes

  • Given a maybe, describe how to handle both cases
  • Compiler complains if Nothing case isn’t handled
printMaybe :: Maybe Int -> String
printMaybe Nothing = "No value here :("
printMaybe (Just x)  = "Got a value: " ++ (show x)

Use: optional values

  • Contains an actual value, or nothing (is “null”)
  • Nothing is usually indicates failure
  • For instance: lookup function
findIndex :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> Maybe Int
-- findIndex p returns (Just index) if element satisfying p
-- findIndex p returns Nothing if no element satisfies p

Example: Either

Building eithers

  • Either is just a sum with two type parameters:
data Either a b = Left a | Right b

-- Auto-generated: Left  :: a -> Either a b
-- Auto-generated: Right :: b -> Either a b
  • Use Left or Right to create an Either a b

Unwrapping eithers

  • Just like for Maybe, do a case analysis:
doubleRight :: Either Int Int -> Int
doubleRight (Left  x) = x
doubleRight (Right y) = y + y

Use: error-handling

  • Either normal value, or an error
  • Convention
    • Right is normal case, holds result value
    • Left is error case, includes error info
safeModulo :: Int -> Int -> Either String Int
safeModulo m n
    | n == 0 = Left "Error: Modulo by zero!"
    | n /= 0 = Right (n `mod` m)

Inductive datatypes

Generalize a bit

  • All the types we have seen so far are inductive types
  • Basic pattern:
    • Some type parameters (maybe zero)
    • Some number of constructors
    • Unwrap values by matching on constructor
  • Inductive: data may be of the type being defined!

Natural numbers

  • Either zero, or one plus another natural number
data Nat = Zero | Succ Nat
-- Succ short for "successor"
  • As always, operate by pattern matching on cases
addNats :: Nat -> Nat -> Nat

-- 0 + n' = n'
addNats Zero     n' = n'

-- (1 + n) + n' = 1 + (n + n')
addNats (Succ n) n' = Succ $ addNats n n'


  • Either empty list, or an element plus another list
  • Takes a type parameter a: type of list elements
data List a = Nil | Cons a (List a)

maybeHead :: List a -> Maybe a
maybeHead Nil         = Nothing
maybeHead (Cons x xs) = Just x

Binary trees

  • Either leaf, or node with data plus two child trees
data Tree a = Leaf | Node a (Tree a) (Tree a)

swap :: Tree a -> Tree a
swap Leaf         = Leaf
swap (Node x l r) = Node x (swap r) (swap l)