Lecture 07

Theory and Design of PL (CS 538)

February 12, 2020

Modeling Datatypes

General pattern

  1. Add a new type
  2. Add constructor expressions
  3. Add destructor expressions
  4. Add typing rules for new expressions
  5. Add evaluation rules for new expressions

Example: Products

Introducing products

  • Given types t_1 and t_2, product type t_1 \times t_2
  • Can extend to triples: t_1 \times (t_2 \times t_3), etc.
    • Often write just t_1 \times t_2 \times t_3
  • Constructor
    • Pairing: from terms e_1 and e_2, form (e_1, e_2)

Destructors: projections

  • Given a pair term e, can project out terms:
    • First element: p_1(e)
    • Second element: p_2(e)

Typing/evaluation rules

Example: Sum types

Introducing sums

  • Given types t_1 and t_2, sum type t_1 + t_2
  • Can extend to triples: t_1 + (t_2 + t_3), etc.
    • Often write just t_1 + t_2 + t_3
  • Constructors
    • Left injection: from term e_1, form inl(e_1)
    • Right injection: from term e_2, form inr(e_2)

Destructors: case

  • Given a sum term e, add case analysis expression: \text{case}(e) \text{ of } inl(x_1) \to e_1 \mid inr(x_2) \to e_2
  • “If e is left option, do e_1. If e is right option, do e_2.”
  • Branch e_1 can use variable x_1, branch e_2 can use x_2

Typing/evaluation rules

Example: List types

Introducing lists

  • Given type t, have type List(t) of lists of t
  • Constructors
    • Empty: (from nothing) form expression Nil
    • Cons: from term e and tail e', form Cons(e, e')

Consuming lists

  • Very much like sums
  • Given a list term e, add case analysis expression: \text{case}(e) \text{ of } Nil \to e_1 \mid Cons(x, xs) \to e_2
  • “If e is empty, do e_1. If e is not empty, do e_2.”
  • Branch e_2 can use variables x and xs

Typing/evaluation rules

Parametric functions

“For all” parameters

  • We’ve already seen: types have type variables:
fst :: (a, b) -> a
Cons :: a -> [a] -> [a]
  • These must work for all types a
  • Concrete type inferred automatically when calling:
fst (1, True) :: Int       -- type param a is Int
Cons True []  :: List Bool -- type param a is Bool

Must behave uniformly

  • Function behavior can’t depend on particular type!
    • No “peeking” at what type a is
    • Not allowed: if a is Bool then … if a is Int then …
  • Also called polymorphism in type theory
    • Note: not the same as OO “polymorphism”

Why is this good?

  • Polymorphism constrains what a function can do
  • More constraints:
    • More annoying
    • Fewer wrong implementations
  • Sometimes, only one function is possible

Free theorems

  • What does our mystery function do?
mystery1 :: a -> a
  • Polymorphism: must work the same way for all a
  • Can prove: it can only be the identity function
    • (Ignoring non-termination…)
    mystery1 x = x

Free theorems

  • What does our mystery function do?
mystery2 :: (a, a) -> a
  • Can prove: either always returns first, or second
mystery2 (x, y) = x -- Possibility 1
mystery2 (x, y) = y -- Possibility 2

Free theorems

  • What does our mystery function do?
mystery3 :: List a -> Maybe a
  • If output is Just x, then x must be in input list
  • Index can only depend on the length of the list
x1 = mystery3 [1, 2]
x2 = mystery3 ['a', 'b']
-- (x1, x2) is either:
-- (Nothing, Nothing), (Just 1, Just 'a'), (Just 2, Just 'b')

Sometimes: too limiting

What types?

  • To string
    • toString :: a -> String
  • Equality
    • (==) :: a -> a -> Bool
  • Ordering
    • (<) :: a -> a -> Bool
  • These polymorphic functions must ignore input(s)!

“Ad hoc” polymorphism

  • Same function name, works on different types
  • Behavior can depend on the concrete type
  • Can’t work on all types, but we should be able to easily extend function to handle new types

Haskell’s solution: typeclasses

Declaring a typeclass

  • Give list of associated operations (methods)
  • Example: Equality typeclass:
class Eq a where
  (==) :: a -> a -> Bool
  (/=) :: a -> a -> Bool

  x == y = not (x /= y)
  x /= y = not (x == y)
  • Last two lines are default implementations
    • Defining either == or /= is enough


  • Some typeclasses require other typeclasses
  • Example: Ordered type needs a notion of equality
class Eq a => Ord a where
  (<)  :: a -> a -> Bool
  (>)  :: a -> a -> Bool
  (<=) :: a -> a -> Bool
  (>=) :: a -> a -> Bool
  • Any type satisfying Ord needs to satisfy Eq
  • Can require multiple parent typeclasses

Typeclass “constraint”

  • Functions can require type variables to be instances
  • Add a “constraint” before the type signature
-- Can be applied as long as type `a` is an instance of `Eq a`
elem :: Eq a => a -> [a] -> Bool
elem x []     = False
elem x (y:ys) = (x == y) || elem x ys

-- `(==)` function from `Eq` typeclass
  • Define functions at the right level of generality!

A tour of typeclasses

Show and Read

  • Show: can be converted to a string
class Show a where
  show :: a -> String
  • Read: can be converted from a string
-- Main useful function:
readMaybe :: Read a => String -> Maybe a

Enum and Bounded

  • Enum: can be enumerated
class Enum a where
  toEnum   :: Int -> a
  fromEnum :: a -> Int
  • Bounded: has max and min element
class Bounded a where
  minBound :: a
  maxBound :: a

Numeric typeclasses

  • Most general is Num: things generalizing integers
class (Eq a, Show a) => Num a where
  (+) :: a -> a -> a
  (-) :: a -> a -> a
  (*) :: a -> a -> a
  abs :: a -> a                -- absolute value
  negate :: a -> a             -- negation
  signum :: a -> a             -- sign: +1 or -1
  fromInteger :: Integer -> a
  • More specific typeclasses: Integral, Floating
  • Numeric hierarchy for number-like things


  • Monoid is a type with:
    • A binary operation
    • An identity for the operation
  • Think: lists, with list append and empty list
class Monoid a where
  mempty  :: a           -- identity element
  mappend :: a -> a -> a -- binary operation
  • Lots more in Haskell’s algebraic hierarchy

Making new typeclass instances

Direct method

  • Provide concrete definitions for typeclass operations
  • Supply enough for minimally complete definition
  • Undefined things given default implementations
data Nat = Zero | Succ Nat

instance Ord Nat where
  Zero   < Zero   = False
  Succ _ < Zero   = False
  Zero   < Succ _ = True
  Succ n < Succ m = n < m

  Zero   <= _      = True
  Succ _ <= Zero   = False
  Succ n <= Succ m = n <= m

Require other instances

  • Often: defining instances for parametrized types
  • Need to require type variables satisfy some instance
-- Custom type of pairs
data MyPair a = MkPair a a

instance Show a => Show MyPair a where
  show (MkPair x x') = "MyPair of " ++ (show x)
                                    ++ " and " ++ (show x')

instance Ord a => Ord MyPair a where
  (MkPair x x') < (MkPair y y') = (x < y) || (x == y && x' < y')

Automatic method

  • Often: typeclass instances are boring (“boilerplate”)
    • Usually clear how to define Eq typeclass, …
  • Have compiler derive default instances for you
data Nat = Zero | Succ Nat deriving (Eq)
data Colors = Red | Green | Blue deriving (Enum, Eq, Show)