Lecture 08

Theory and Design of PL (CS 538)

February 27, 2020


HW1 Grading

  • Grading is in progress, back in a few days
  • Style definitely matters
    • Don’t repeat yourself
    • Don’t use a ton of nested ifs
    • If you’re not sure, hlint/ask us
  • No points off for style this time
    • May deduct style points starting HW2

Read our comments on your HW!

Last time: typeclasses

  1. Declare class with required functions
  2. Implement class for your type
  3. Fns can use typeclass constraints

Example: Ord

class Eq a => Ord a where
  (<)  :: a -> a -> Bool
  -- ... more stuff ...

data Nat = Zero | Succ Nat

instance Ord Nat where
  Zero   < Zero   = False
  Succ _ < Zero   = False
  Zero   < Succ _ = True
  Succ n < Succ m = n < m
  -- ... more stuff

sort :: Ord a => [a] -> [a]
sort list = -- ... < ... 

A peek under the hood

Encode typeclass info

  • Given class declaration…
class Ord a where
  (<)  :: a -> a -> Bool
  (<=) :: a -> a -> Bool
  • Compiler makes dictionary type
data OrdDict a = MkOrdDict { (<) :: a -> a -> Bool
                           , (<=) :: a -> a -> Bool }

Encode instance info

  • Given instance declaration for type…
instance Ord Nat where
  n < n'  = natLessThan n n'
  n <= n' = natLeqThan n n'
  • Compiler makes dictionary
NatOrdDict :: OrdDict Nat
NatOrdDict = MkOrdDict { (<)  = natLessThan
                       , (<=) = natLeqThan }

Thread the dictionary

  • Say we have function to find the bigger tuple element
max :: Ord a => a -> a -> a
max x y
    | x < y     = y
    | otherwise = x
  • Compiler replaces constraint with dictionary
  • Gets method instances from the dictionary
max' :: OrdDict a -> a -> a -> a
max' dict x y
    | ((<) dict) x y     = y
    | otherwise          = x

Adjust function calls

  • Say we call the max function
bigger = max Zero (Succ Zero)
  • Compiler adds in the dictionary for Nat
bigger = max' NatOrdDict Zero (Succ Zero)
  • Voilà! No more typeclasses, just plain functions

Max on other types

  • Say we call the max function on Char
bigger = max 'a' 'b'
  • Compiler adds in the dictionary for Char
bigger = max' CharOrdDict 'a' 'b'

Today: Functor

Going up a level

  • So far: typeclass instances for types
  • Many things in Haskell are not types:
    • Maybe
    • []
  • They need a type argument to become a type:
    • Maybe Int
    • [Int]

Define typeclasses for these things!


  • We can map over many things: Maybe, lists, trees, …
  • Factor this into a type class:
class Functor f where
    fmap :: (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
  • Think: a container f is “mappable” if it has a fmap
    • Note: f doesn’t always need to be a “container”

Examples of Functor

Warmup: Lists

  • We already know a mapping function for lists:
instance Functor ([]) where
    fmap = map
    -- infix: foo <$> bar === fmap foo bar

    -- What's the type?
    -- fmap :: (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]


  • Would like to map over a Maybe:
instance Functor Maybe where
    fmap f Nothing = Nothing
    fmap f (Just x) = Just (f x)

    -- What's the type?
    -- fmap :: (a -> b) -> Maybe a -> Maybe b


  • Previous examples: containers
  • This example: type of “reader” functions
    • Conversions from type r to something else
    instance Functor ((->) r)
      -- What's the heck is this type??
      -- fmap :: (a -> b) -> ((->) r a) -> ((->) r b)
      -- fmap :: (a -> b) -> (r -> a) -> (r -> b)
      -- Solution is now clear:
      fmap fab fra = \r -> fab (fra r)

Functor Laws

A broken fmap

instance Functor Maybe where
    fmap f Nothing = Nothing
    fmap f (Just x) = Nothing

    -- What's the type?
    -- fmap :: (a -> b) -> Maybe a -> Maybe b
  • Type is OK, but it doesn’t seem to “map”…

Follow the laws

  • Many Haskell typeclasses come with “laws”
    • Expected equations that should hold
  • You should check the laws hold
    • Compiler won’t check these laws for you
    • Breaking laws is almost always a bug

Functor law: identity

-- Identity function id
-- id :: a -> a

fmap id === id
  • Mapping a do-nothing function should do nothing

A broken fmap

instance Functor Maybe where
    fmap f Nothing = Nothing
    fmap f (Just x) = Nothing

    -- What's the type?
    -- fmap :: (a -> b) -> Maybe a -> Maybe b
  • Breaks law: fmap id (Just 42) === Nothing

Functor law: composition

-- Suppose: f :: a -> b, g :: b -> c
fmap (g . f) === fmap g . fmap f
  • Map f then map g is same as map g . f