Lecture 14

Theory and Design of PL (CS 538)

March 09, 2020

Thanks for doing course feedback!

Common complaints

  • Written notes for stuff on blackboard
  • A lot more examples (of everything)
  • More interactive coding/demos
  • More readings for reviewing
  • Clearer instructions on HW/WR
  • Slow down!!!

Imperative programming

Sequence of steps

  • Strongly influenced by real-world machine models
    • Think of program as a list of instructions to run
    • Use instructions to modify the machine state
  • Notable languages
    • FORTRAN, ALGOL, BASIC, Pascal, C (1950s-70s)
    • OO: Smalltalk, Simula, Java, C++ (1980s-90s)
    • Today: Python, Ruby, C#, Perl, Go, Rust, …

Mutable state

  • Idea of state is central to imperative programming
    • Registers, memory, file system, …
  • Instructions describe how to mutate the state
    • Read, write, update, …

Separate state from code

  • In pure FP, the code is both program and state
    • Evaluation depends on the program
    • Evaluation steps reduce the program to a value
  • In imperative programming, state is separate
    • Current state of machine is not visible in code
    • Code tells us how to update the (implicit) state


  • Close fit to most real-world machine models today
    • Machines have registers, memory, state
    • Machine code is (basically) list of instructions
    • Well-suited to low-level and embedded systems
  • Often (but not always):
    • Natural translation to machine code
    • Fast performance


  • Mutable state is hard to reason about
    • Can break modularity/abstraction
    • Calling a procedure can change the state in complex or unexpected ways
  • Memory management is tricky
  • Concurrency and parallelism are a challenge

Managing memory

Typical model

  1. Code requests memory from system
    • Should be fresh piece of memory
  2. Read/write/update data via pointer or reference
    • Read files, maintain datastructures, etc.
  3. Return memory when done
    • Releases memory, gives it back to system

Traditional challenges

  • If automatic memory management:
    • Slower and more unpredictable performance
    • Simply not acceptable for some applications
  • If manual memory management, possible bugs:
    • Memory leak: forget to free memory after done
    • Double free: free memory more than once
    • Use-after-free: use memory you’ve given back


The present is parallel

  • CPU speed no longer doubling every 18 months
    • Hitting limits: power and cooling
    • Moore’s law has stopped (for a while now)
  • Instead of faster cores, get more cores
    • 2, 4, 8, 16, 32 separate CPUs
    • How to get 2x, 4x, 8x, 16x, 32x speedups?

Threads of execution

  • Run several parts of program in parallel
    • Better use of multiple cores, datacenters, etc.
  • Break up program into different threads
    • Can be good idea, even on single core
    • I/O thread waits for file system, GUI responsive

Traditional challenges

  • No longer just a single list of instructions!
    • How to split up program?
    • How to coordinate accesses to shared memory?
    • Hard to think about all possible interleavings
  • Lots of common bugs
    • Data races: several threads access same memory in non-deterministic order
    • Deadlock: no thread can run, waiting on each other

The Rust language

History and principles

  • Graydon Hoare’s side project at Mozilla (2006)
  • Heavily supported by Mozilla as a research language
  • Goal: a safe, concurrent, practical systems language
    • Efficiency: Very fast, programmer has control
    • Safety: eliminates memory and concurrency bugs
    • Modern PL features: influenced by FP, type systems

Extremely fast

  • Competitive with other systems language (C/C++/…)
    • But: substantially safer
  • Automatic memory management, but without GC
    • Safe and predictable performance
  • Designed for concurrency throughout

Eliminates memory bugs

  • Know at compile-time when memory should be freed
    • No memory leaks
  • Double frees, use-after-frees caught at compile time
  • Novel ownership/lifetime mechanism ensures safety
    • Based on two PL ideas: regions and affine types

“Fearless concurrency”

  • Data races are caught at compile time
    • Leveraging ownership/lifetime mechanism again
  • Eliminates whole class of common concurrency bugs
    • Data races are notoriously tricky to debug
  • Supports different kinds of concurrency

Other FP ideas abound

  • Modern type system
    • Datatypes, polymorphism, traits, type inference
  • Emphasis on mutability and immutability
    • Encourages pure code
  • FP-style programming with higher-order functions
    • Anonymous functions, maps, filters, folds, …

Real-world adoption

  • Extremely active community
    • New version of the language every 6 weeks
  • Tons of libraries and package
  • Most popular language in StackOverflow survey
  • Larger developments by Mozilla
    • Much of latest version of Firefox rewritten in Rust
    • Leverage safe concurrency, memory management

Our plan

Core Rust (4 weeks)

  • Will use The Rust Programming Language book
  • Fairly linear, we’ll mostly go in order this time
  • Many concepts will be familiar from Haskell
    • Strong types, including datatypes
    • Constructors and pattern matching
    • Traits and generics

Concurrency (2-3 weeks)

  • Concurrency basics and concepts
  • Concurrency features in Rust
  • Core language for concurrency

Advanced topics

  • Some selection of…
    • Error handling
    • Rust macros
    • Asynchronous programming
    • Unsafe Rust


  • Three homeworks, same format
    • Rust Warmup: out today
    • HW4: Getting started writing Rust programs
    • HW5: Binary search tree, datastructures
    • HW6: Concurrency

Start early and ask for help!

We will care about…

  • Memory
    • Where does it live: stack or heap?
    • When is it allocated/de-allocated?
    • Piece of data, or pointer to data?
  • Aliasing
    • How many variables refer to piece of data?
    • Which variables are allowed to change data?
  • Going (a little) fast

Rust tools

Read the docs

  • Rust docs are extremely high quality
  • Read the intro to get an idea of the module
  • If needed, look up specific functions
    • Just like in Haskell: pay attention to the types!

Read the book

Use the playpen

  • Located here
  • Type, compile, run code online, see result
  • Use tools for formatting, linting
  • Share/link code snippets (with instructors)


  • Main package/build system for rust
  • Wraps around the rust compiler, rustc
    • No need to call rustc by hand
  • Useful commands
    • cargo check: Type/borrow checking (fast)
    • cargo build: Build an executable (slower)
    • cargo run: Run the thing
    • cargo clean: Clean up temporary files

Other useful tools

  • clippy (cargo clippy)
    • Suggestions for cleaner code
    • Follow them unless there’s a good reason not to!
  • rustfmt (cargo fmt)
    • Automatic code formatter
    • Enforce consistent style on Rust source code

Ground rules

  1. Don’t use unsafe code blocks.
  2. Use the default (stable) version, not beta/nightly
  3. Try to avoid panicking commands
    • These commands halt program if they fail
    • Examples: panic!, unwrap, expect, …
    • Unfortunately, sometimes unavoidable
  4. Try not to write very slow code
    • Prefer loops over recursion
    • But: read HW instructions!
  5. Compiler is very noisy, but fix your warnings

A Taste of Rust

Doing basic I/O

  • Printing: println!("value: {}", var)
  • Reading a line: io::stdin().read_line
fn main() {
  let mut guess = String::new();  // new mutable string variable
  let secret    = 42;             // secret number is always 42

  println!("Guess a number!");
  io::stdin().read_line(&mut guess);  // read into guess

  println!("You guessed: {}", guess)

Basic error handling

  • read_line returns something of type Result
    • Like Either in Haskell: Ok(val) or Err(e)
  • We can chain another function call to handle error
fn main() {
  let mut guess = String::new();
  let secret    = 42;
  println!("Guess a number!");
  // Chain two function calls: read_line and expect
  io::stdin().read_line(&mut guess)
             .expect("Failed to read line");
             // panic if read_line fails

  println!("You guessed: {}", guess);

Matching and comparing

  • Rust has pattern matching and traits
    • Very similar to typeclasses
  • Cmp trait gives comparison function (in Haskell, Ord)
// pattern match
let guess: u32 = match guess.trim().parse() {
  Ok(num) => num,
  Err(_)  => { println!("Not a number! Picking 0..."); 0 },

// compare: cmp method coming from Cmp trait
match guess.cmp(&secret) {
  Ordering::Less    => println!("Too small!"),
  Ordering::Greater => println!("Too big!"),
  Ordering::Equal   => println!("Just right!"),

A small guessing game

loop {
  io::stdin().read_line(&mut guess)
             .expect("Failed to read line");
  let guess_num: u32 = match guess.trim().parse() {
    Ok(num) => num,
    Err(_) => continue,
  match guess_num.cmp(&secret) {
    Ordering::Less    => println!("Too small!"),
    Ordering::Greater => println!("Too big!"),
    Ordering::Equal   => { println!("Just right!") ; break ; }

Variables and assignments

Basic declaration

let x = 5;
println!("The value of x is {}", x);
  • Let-bindings to declare variables; types inferred
  • Variables belong to a block

Braces mark blocks

  • Can open and close new blocks with braces
  • Inner blocks can use variables from surround blocks
  • Outer blocks can’t use variables from inner blocks
let outer = 5;
// Start new block
  let inner = 6;
  println!("The value of outer is {}", outer);   // OK
// End new block
println!("The value of inner is {}", inner); // Not OK

A normal example

let x = 42;

println!("The int x is: {}", x);  // OK

let y = x;

println!("The int y is: {}", y);  // OK

println!("The int x is: {}", x);  // OK

A strange example

let x = String::from("A string!");

println!("The string x is: {}", x);  // OK

let y = x;

println!("The string y is: {}", y);  // OK

println!("The string x is: {}", x);  // Not OK???


  1. Each piece of data has an owner
    • Thing responsible for deallocating data
  2. Each piece of data has exactly one owner
    • If data has no owner, it is deallocated (dropped)

Ownership is unique

  • Fundamental concept in Rust
  • When assigning, ownership is moved
  • By default, types have “move semantics”

A strange example

let x = String::from("A string!");    // Owner: x

println!("The string x is: {}", x); 

let y = x;                           // Owner: y

println!("The string y is: {}", y);  // OK: y is owner

println!("The string x is: {}", x);  // x isn't the owner!

Implicit moves

  • Generally: data is not copied—data is moved
  • For some types: copied, instead of moved
    • Usually: for primitive, simple types
    • Must be explicitly marked in type definition
  • These types are said to implement Copy
    • Or: types have “copy semantics”

A normal (?) example

let x = 42;

println!("The int x is: {}", x);  // Owner: x

let y = x;                        // Make copy of 42

println!("The int y is: {}", y);  // Owner: y

println!("The int x is: {}", x);  // Owner: x

Default: immutable

let x = 5;                                      // OK
println!("The value of x is {}", x);

let y = x + 1;                                  // OK
println!("The value of y is {}", y);

x = 6;                                      // Not OK
println!("The value of x is {}", x);
  • Variables can only be set once
  • Setting again: compiler error

Why immutable?

  • Immutable variables are easier to think about
    • Given let x = 5;, can replace x by 5 below
  • Require programmer to explicitly mark mutable vars
    • Only use if they really need it
  • Helpful information for compiler
    • Optimizations
    • Sharing

Variable shadowing

  • Can redeclare same variable several times
let x = 5;
println!("The value of x is {}", x);        // 5

let x = x + 1;
println!("The value of x is {}", x);        // 6

let x = x + 2;
println!("The value of x is {}", x);        // 8
  • Note: not recursive definitions (like Haskell)

Declaring mutable

  • Use keyword mut for let-bindings
let mut x = 5;                                   // OK
println!("The value of x is {}", x);

x = 6;                                           // OK
println!("The value of x is {}", x);

x = x + 1;                                       // OK
println!("The value of x is {}", x);

Statements and expressions

Traditionally: separation

  • Expressions: don’t change the state
    • Compute by evaluation (rewriting)
    • Evaluate to some value
    • No side-effects
    • Example: Haskell programs
  • Statements: transform the state
    • Compute by execution
    • Produce some final state

Rust blurs the difference

  • “Expressions”: produce some final value
  • “Statements”: does not produce value
    • Effectively, something ending in a semicolon
    • Does not produce a value

Both may change the state!

Control flow


  • Recall: program executes a sequence of statements
  • During execution, “control” is the current statement
  • Also sometimes called program counter


  • Control moves steps from statement to statement
  • Statements can redirect where the control goes next
  • The central concept in imperative programming


The semicolon

  • Main use: gluing two statements together
let mut x = 1;
let mut y = 100;

x = y;
y = y + 1;
  • Order matters! Different result:
y = y + 1;
x = y;

Other use: discard result

let mut input = String::new();

io::stdin().read_line(&mut guess);
//              ^--- Returns something!

println!("Guessed: {}" guess);
  • read_line returns a value of type Result
  • Trailing semicolon discards this value



  • Hopefully familiar…
let number = ...;

if number < 5 {
  println!("so small!");
} else if number > 10 {
  println!("so large!");
} else {
  println!("so OK!");

Can produce value

  • Branches must produce same type of value
let number = ...;

let branched = if number < 5 {
} else if number > 10 {
} else {

Pattern matching

  • Match on an enumeration (sum type)
let x = 42;
let y = 55;

let cmp_result = x.cmp(&y);

match cmp_result {
  Ordering::Less    => println!("so small!"),
  Ordering::Equal   => println!("exactly equal!"),
  Ordering::Greater => println!("way big!"),
  • Again, branches can produce values (of same type)

If-Let matching

  • Sometimes: want to check for specific constructor
let maybe_string = Some(String::from("Hello World!"));


if let Some(str) = maybe_string {
  ... str ...
} else {
  ...  // Can't use str here!



  • Repeats a command (forever)
  • Use break to exit loop, continue to jump to start
let mut x = 20;

loop {
  x = x + 1;
  if x < 42 {
    println!("not yet...");
  } else if x = 42 {
  } else {


  • Repeats a command while some condition is true
let mut x = 20;

while x != 42 {
  x = x + 1;
  println!("not yet...");

While-let matching

  • Almost the same as if-let, but in a loop
let mut maybe_string = Some(String::from("Hello World!"));


while let Some(str) = maybe_string {
  ... str ...


  • Rust for-loops iterate over range, like this:
let my_array = [10, 20, 30, 40, 50];

// For-loops in Rust automatically use iterator
for element in my_array {
  println!("the value is: {}", element);