Lecture 15

Theory and Design of PL (CS 538)

March 11, 2020

Types in Rust


  • Full range of integer types
    • i32 is signed 32-bit, u8 is unsigned 8-bit, …
  • Floating point types
    • f32 is 32-bit floating, f64 is 64-bit, …

Types inference

  • Most types inferred, sometimes annotations needed
    • Single :, not double ::
  • Type conversions using as
let guess          = "42".parse(); // what type to parse to?
let guess_u16: u16 = "42".parse();
let guess_u32: u32 = "42".parse();

let guess_u64: u64 = guess_u32 as u64;

Bools and Chars

let my_true_bool = true;

let my_false_bool: bool = false; // with annotation

let little_z = 'z';
let fancy_z = 'ℤ';
let heart_eyed_cat = '😻';
  • Rust designed with support for UTF-8


  • Very similar to records (big tuples)
  • First, define names and types of the fields:
struct User {
  username: String,
  email: String,
  sign_in_count: u64,
  active: bool,

Creating and accessing

  • Record syntax for creating, dot-syntax for accessing:
// make a struct variable of type User
let user1 = User {
  email: String::from("someone@example.com"),
  username: String::from("someusername123"),
  active: true,
  sign_in_count: 1,

// access various fields
let user1_email  = user1.email;
let user1_active = user1.active;

Creating: shortcut

  • Initializing field from a variable with that name
let email = String::from("someone@example.com");
let username = String::from("someusername123");
let active = true;
let sign_in_count = 1;

let user1 = User { email, username, active, sign_in_count };

Unnamed structs

  • Structs without field names
  • Access fields with .0, .1, .2, …
struct Point(u32, u32, u32);

let my_point = Point(1, 2, 3);

let fst_coord = my_point.0;
let snd_coord = my_point.1;
let thd_coord = my_point.2;


  • Get components via dot notation: .0, .1, etc.
  • Or: use pattern matching
let foo = (500, 6.4, 1);                     // plain tuple

let bar: (bool, f32, i32) = (true, 0.1, 5);  // annotated

let (x, y, z) = foo;                         // pattern match
println!("The tuple is ({}, {}, {})", x, y , z);

let x = bar.0; let y = bar.1; let z = bar.2; // projections
println!("The tuple is ({}, {}, {})", x, y , z);


  • Can mutate individual fields of a mutable struct
// make a mutable struct variable
let mut user1 = User {
  email: String::from("someone@example.com"),
  username: String::from("someusername123"),
  active: true,
  sign_in_count: 1,

// change value of email field
user1.email = String::from("anotheremail@example.com");


  • Special type for Strings: not just a list of characters!
    • Implementation is highly optimized
    • Memory allocation, resizing, etc. all automatic
    • See docs for many, many functions
  • Build strings with constructor
let my_new_string = String::from("Hello!");

let my_bad_string = "Hello!";  // Not OK!


  • Often: want a view into a contiguous piece of data
  • Can’t change it, but can read from it
  • In Rust: called a slice
let array = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];

let slice = &array[1..3];  // type: &[i32]

let fst = slice[0];  // 2
let snd = slice[1];  // 3
let thd = slice[2];  // 4

String slices

  • Same idea, but for strings: special type &str
let s = String::from("hello world");

let hello = &s[0..5];   // type: &str
let world = &s[6..11];  // type: &str

Slices don’t own data

  • Someone else owns the data, not the slice
  • Can copy slices, pass slices around, etc.
let s = String::from("hello world");

let hello  = &s[0..5];
let hello2 = hello;

println!("Hello? {} Hello! {}", hello, hello2);  // This is OK

Enums in Rust

Think: sum types

  • Type taking several possible values (OR)
enum Color {

enum Time {
  HoursMinutes(i32, i32),

Constructing enums

  • Take name of enum type, add constructor after it
let my_color      = Color::Red;

let my_time       = Time::HoursMinutes(6,30);

let my_other_time = Time::Minutes(1080);

A familiar friend: Option

  • Rust’s version of Maybe
  • Parameterized by a type T (just like Maybe a)
  • Don’t need prefix Option::
enum Option<T> {

let something = Some(5);
let nothing   = None;

Pattern matching in Rust

  • Just like case in Haskell…
let maybe_int = Some(42);

match maybe_int {
  None    => println!("Nothing here!"),
  Some(n) => {
    println!("Just an int: {}", n);
    println!("Doing lots of stuff!");

Rust functions

Top-level functions

  • Typical way to declare functions
  • Type annotations needed for parameters and return
    • Can be inferred, but required for documentation
  • Unlike in Haskell: functions can perform effects
fn foo(x: i32, y: i32) -> i32 {
  ... x ... y ...

Calling functions

  • Normal syntax: supply arguments and get result
  • No partial application: must supply all arguments
fn add_up(x: i32, y: i32) -> i32 { x + y }

fn main() {
  let added = add_up(10, 12);

  println!("The sum is: {}", added);

Moving versus borrowing

“Moving” arguments

  • Operationally: arguments passed “by value”
  • Ownership of argument passes into the function
    • Caller can’t use arguments after calling!
    • “Arguments moved into function”
  • Function can return argument to return ownership

Example: move

fn take_own(s: String) { ... }

fn main() {
  let my_string = String::from("Hello!");

  take_own(my_string);  // Pass the string to function

  println!("Still there? {}", my_string);  // Not OK: it's gone!

“Borrowing” arguments

  • Operationally: arguments passed “by reference”
  • Ownership of argument doesn’t change
    • Original owner (caller, caller-of-caller, …) owns arg.
  • “Function borrows arguments” (from the owner)
    • Will give it back to owner when done with it

Example: borrow

fn take_borrow(s: &String) { ... }

fn main() {
  let my_string = String::from("Hello!");

  take_borrow(&my_string);                  // "Borrow" ref to fn

  println!("Still there? {}", my_string);   // OK: still owner

Other way of defining fns: methods

Add functions to a struct/enum

  • Useful pattern: associate fns with structs/enums
    • Primary argument: the object (“self”)
    • Other arguments: stuff to access/modify self
  • “Methods” in object-oriented programming

Syntax: Impl blocks

struct Person {
  name: String,
  age: u32,

impl Person {
  fn print_me(&self) {
    println!("name: {} age: {}", self.name, self.age);

  fn get_name(self) -> String { self.name }

  fn get_age(&self) -> u32 { self.age }

Self parameter

  • First parameter of method is always called “self”
    • Never write type T: comes from impl T
    • But: annotations (&, mut) are very important!

Translating methods

impl Person {
  fn get_name(self) -> String { self.name }

// Takes ownership of person! Same as:
fn get_name_fn(p: Person) { p.name }

Translating methods

impl Person {
  fn print_me(&self) {
    println!("name: {} age: {}", self.name, self.age);

// Borrows person! Same as:
fn print_me_fn(p: &Person) {
  println!("name: {} age: {}", p.name, p.age);

Calling methods

  • Use dot-notation, can chain calls together
  • Chaining is awkward for regular functions
let my_person = Person {
  name: String::from("Chicken Little"),
  age: 2,

my_person.print_me();  // same as: print_me(&my_person);

// Get name and append ", Jr." to it
let my_name_jr = my_person.get_name().push_str(", Jr.");

Modeling an imperative language

Core language: revisited

  • Model essential language features
    • Which programs are well-formed?
    • How should programs behave?
  • Imperative languages: memory, variables, state, …
  • Our plan: layer on top of (pure) expressions
    • Also called a “While-language”

Extension 1: memory

  • Different models capture different aspects
    • Scope of variables? Allocation? Types?
  • Simplest: memory (“store”) maps var. names to ints
    • Global, integer variables only

Expressions in stores

var  = "x" | "y" | "z" | ... ;

bexpr = "true" | "false"
      | bexpr "&&" bexpr | aexpr "<" aexpr | ... ;

aexpr = var | num-cons
      | aexpr "+" aexpr | aexpr "*" aexpr | ... ;
  • Expressions can mention program variables
    • Meaning depends on the current memory
    • Not: variables in lambda calculus (fn args)
  • But: expressions don’t change memory

Extension 2: commands

  • Add commands as a new layer of the language
comm = "skip"                              (* do-nothing comm *)
     | var ":=" aexpr                      (* assign to var *)
     | comm ";" comm                       (* sequencing *)
     | "if" bexpr "then" comm "else" comm  (* if-then-else *)
     | "while" bexpr "do" comm ;           (* while loops *)

Operational semantics

  • How do imperative programs step?
    • Depends on the current memory!
  • Idea: define how command-store pairs step
    • Model how the program and memory change

Blackboard (and WR4)