Lecture 17

Theory and Design of PL (CS 538)

March 25, 2020


What is a reference?

  • An indirect name for some data
    • Think: a pointer to some data
  • Making a new reference in Rust
let my_str = String::from("foo"); // variable holding string
let ref_to_str = &my_str;         // reference to my_str

Why use references?

  • Reference does not own the data
    • Can have only one owner, but many references
  • Reference going out of scope does not drop data
    • Can “borrow” reference to function
  • Function can take (mutable) reference and modify caller’s data directly
    • Useful for mutable datastructures

(Im)mutable references

  • By default, references are immutable
    • Can’t change underlying data through reference
    • Reference type: &T
  • Can declare mutable references
    • Target must be mutable as well
    • Reference type: &mut T
let mut my_str = String::from("foo"); // mutable var 
let ref_to_str = &mut my_str;         // mutable ref to my_str


  • Use * notation to get thing reference is pointing at
  • Often not needed due to “auto-deref” (magic)
let vr: &Vec<i32> = ...;

println!("First element: {}", (*vr)[0]); // Explicit deref

println!("First element: {}", vr[0]);    // Implicit deref

println!("First element: {}", vr.first); // Implicit deref

Somewhat confusingly

  • Reference itself can be mutable
// Can't change ref or thing it's pointing at
let immut_ref_to_immut = &my_string;

// Can't change ref, can change thing it's pointing at
let immut_ref_to_mut = &mut my_string;

// Can change ref, can't change thing it's pointing at
let mut mut_ref_to_immut = &my_string;
mut_ref_to_immut = &my_other_string;

// Can change ref and thing it's pointing at
let mut mut_ref_to_mut = &mut my_string;
mut_ref_to_mut = &mut my_other_string;
*mut_ref_to_mut = String::from("???");

What’s going on?

  • Mutability is not a property of the data!
    • NOT: these bits are mutable or immutable
  • Mutability is property of variable or reference
    • YES: I can mutate data through this variable
    • YES: I cannot mutate data through that reference


Multiple references

  • Rust works hard to ensure one owner for each data
  • Multiple references to same data is problematic
    • Also known as aliasing
  • References need to follow certain rules for safety

The golden rules

  • In any scope, there can be either:
    1. Any number of immutable references
    2. At most one mutable reference
  • … referring to the same variable

One or the other: not both!

Multiple immutable

  • Can have any number of immutable refs to variable
  • Safe: none of the refs can change the underlying
let my_str  = String::from("foo");
let ref_one = &my_str;
let ref_two = &my_str;

println!("Both refs: {} {}", ref_one, ref_two); // OK

At most one mutable

  • Can only change underlying through single reference
    • Also important in concurrent setting
    • Also enables more optimizations


  • Can’t make two mutable references to same thing
let mut mut_str = String::from("foo");

let ref_one = &mut mut_str; // OK

let ref_two = &mut mut_str; // Not OK

Can’t have both mutable and immutable references

let mut mut_str = String::from("foo");

let ref_one   = &mut_str;       // OK: Immutable ref

let ref_two   = &mut_str;       // OK: Immutable ref

let ref_three = &mut mut_str;   // Not OK: Mutable ref

Use scopes to manage refs

  • Rules only apply to references currently in scope
let mut mut_str = String::from("foo");
let mut_ref = &mut mut_str;
mut_ref.push("bar");  // OK
mut_str.push("baz");  // Not OK: can't access mut_str
                      // because mut_ref in scope

// Use scopes!
let mut mut_str_2 = String::from("foo");
  let mut_ref_2 = &mut mut_str_2;
  mut_ref_2.push("bar");  // OK
}                         // scope ends, mut_ref_2 gone
mut_str_2.push("baz");    // Now OK: no more mut_ref_2

Alternative reading

  • Immutable reference: shared reference
    • Shared access to some data
    • Sharing: can’t change the data
  • Mutable reference: unique reference
    • Exclusive access to some data
    • Can modify it: no one else has access

Can’t mix shared and unique!

Isn’t a reference just a pointer?

  • In machine code: a reference is just a pointer
  • In Rust: a ref. also gives permissions to do things
  • With an immutable reference, code can:
    • Dereference/read location (obviously)
    • Point to/read anything reachable from ref.
  • With an mutable reference, code can:
    • Dereference/read/write location (obviously)
    • Point to/read/write anything reachable from ref.

Mutation can invalidate pointers

struct Triple(i32, i32, i32);
enum MyEnum {

let mut my_enum = Big(Triple(1, 2, 3));
let mut im_ref: &i32 = &0;   // points at 0
if let Big(b) = my_enum {
    im_ref = &b.2;           // points at last field in Big: 3

let m_ref = &mut my_enum;       // mutable ref (not allowed)
*m_ref = Small(42);             // change Big to Small
println!("Uh oh: {}", im_ref);  // what does this point to?

Passing arguments: three ways

“Moving” arguments

  • Operationally: arguments passed “by value”
  • Ownership of argument passes into the function
    • Caller can’t use arguments after calling!
    • “Arguments moved into function”
  • Function can return argument to return ownership

Example: move

fn take_own(s: String) { ... }

fn main() {
  let my_string = String::from("Hello!");

  take_own(my_string);  // Pass the string to function

  println!("Still there? {}", my_string);  // Not OK: it's gone!

Example: mutable move

  • Not super intuitive behavior…
fn take_mut_own(s: mut String) { s = String::from("wow");  }

// Pretty much the same as:
fn take_own(s: String) {
    let mut owned_string = s;
    owned_string = String::from("amazing");

fn main() {
  let my_string = String::from("Hello!");   // Isn't mutable...
  take_mut_own(my_string);                 // ... but this works?
  println!("Still there? {}", my_string);  // Not OK: it's gone!

“Borrowing” arguments

  • Operationally: arguments passed “by reference”
  • Ownership of argument doesn’t change
    • Original owner (caller, caller-of-caller, …) owns arg.
  • “Function borrows arguments” (from the owner)
    • Will give it back to owner when done with it

Example: borrow

fn take_borrow(s: &String) { ... }          // Can't mutate s

fn main() {
  let my_string = String::from("Hello!");

  take_borrow(&my_string);                  // "Borrow" ref to fn

  println!("Still there? {}", my_string);   // OK: still owner

Example: mutable borrow

fn take_mut_borrow(s: &mut String) {
  // Assign new string to s
  *s = String::from("amazing");

fn main() {
  let mut my_string = String::from("Hello!");  // Note: need mut!

  take_mut_borrow(&mut my_string);            // "Borrow" ref mut

  println!("Still there? {}", my_string);     // OK: still owner

Matching, moving, borrowing

Variables are key

  • Anywhere there are variables:
    • Think about ownership rules
    • Think about borrowing rules
  • So far, we’ve seen variables from:
    • Let-bindings
    • Function arguments

A puzzle

let my_str = String::from("Hello world!");
let maybe_str = Some(my_str);
match maybe_str {
  None => println!("Nothing!"),
  Some(s) => println!("Something!"),
println!("Still there? {}", maybe_str.is_none());
  • Is this program accepted, or not?
  • What is ownership situation of s?

Matching can move data

  • Often: matching on enums with data inside
    • Example: Option<T>
  • The inner data is moved into the match arm
    • Variable from match arm has ownership
  • Typical ownership rules apply
    • Data is dropped at the end of the arm


let my_str = String::from("Hello world!");
let maybe_str = Some(my_str);
match maybe_str {
  None => println!("Nothing!"),
  Some(s) => println!("Something!"),  // String *moved* into s
                                      // s dropped here
println!("Still there? {}", maybe_str.is_none());  // Not OK!
  • Even maybe_str is dropped: inner s is gone!

Matching and borrowing

let my_str = String::from("Hello world!");
let maybe_str = Some(my_str);
let maybe_ref = &maybe_str;
match maybe_ref {
  None => println!("Nothing!"),
  Some(s) => println!("Something: {}", s),  // what is type of s?
println!("Still there? {}", maybe_str.is_none());
  • Is this program accepted or not?
  • What’s the ownership status of s?

Matching on a reference

  • Rust will infer how to borrow inner values
    • Matching on &T type: arms borrow immutably
    • Matching on &mut T type: arms borrow mutably
  • Also called “default binding modes
    • Usually: Just Works
    • Sometimes: inference goes wrong (Doesn’t Work)

Immutable borrow

let my_str = String::from("Hello world!");
let maybe_str = Some(my_str);
let maybe_ref = &maybe_str;  // immutable ref
match maybe_ref {  // match on *immutable* ref
  None => println!("Nothing!"),
  Some(s) => println!("Something: {}", s),  // can't mutate s
println!("Still there? {}", maybe_str.is_none());

Mutable borrow

let my_str = String::from("Hello world!");
let mut maybe_str = Some(my_str);
let maybe_ref = &mut maybe_str;  // mutable ref
match maybe_ref {  // match on *mutable* ref
  None => println!("Nothing!"),
  Some(s) => *s = String::from("Good bye!"),  // mutate s
println!("What's here? {}", maybe_str.unwrap());
  • Prints the new string: Good bye!

Forcing a borrow

  • Can force match to borrow on owned data
let my_str = String::from("Hello world!");
let mut maybe_str = Some(my_str);
match &maybe_str {  // force immutable borrow
  None => println!("Nothing!"),
  Some(s) => println!("Something: {}", s),  // can't mutate s

match &mut maybe_str {  // force mutable borrow
  None => println!("Nothing!"),
  Some(s) => *s = String::from("Good bye!"),  // mutate s

Old-style syntax

let my_str = String::from("Hello world!");
let mut maybe_str = Some(my_str);
match maybe_str {  // force immutable borrow
  None => println!("Nothing!"),
  Some(ref s) => println!("Something: {}", s),  // can't mutate s

match maybe_str {  // force mutable borrow
  None => println!("Nothing!"),
  Some(ref mut s) => *s = String::from("Good bye!"),  // mutate s
  • “Deprecated”, but try it if you have bizarre errors