Lecture 19

Theory and Design of PL (CS 538)

April 01, 2020

More traits

Rust syntax uses traits

  • To use Rust syntax with your types, implement traits
    • Square brackets: Index/IndexMut
    • Dereferencing (star): Deref/DerefMut
    • Operators (+, -, …): Add/Sub/…
    • For loops: iterators
  • See more in std::ops

Our running example

  • A type of points in 3D: x, y, z
struct Point3D {
    x: f32,
    y: f32,
    z: f32,

Square brackets

  • Index and IndexMut. Simplified trait definitions:
trait Index<IdxType> {
    type Output;
    fn index(&self, idx: IdxType) -> &Self::Output;

trait IndexMut<IdxType> {
    type Output;
    fn index(&mut self, idx: IdxType) -> &mut Self::Output;
  • Output is an associated type of the trait
    • Need to pick a type when implementing trait

Implementing it

impl Index<char> for Point3D {
    type Output = f32;  // indexing produces floats
    fn index(&self, idx: char) -> &Self::Output {
        match idx {
            'x' => &self.x,
            'y' => &self.y,
            'z' => &self.z,
            _ => panic!("Unknown coordinate!"),

impl IndexMut<char> for Point3D { ... }

Trying it out

let mut my_point = Point3D { x: 1.0, y: 2.0, z: 3.0 };

println!("x is {}", my_point['x']);  // uses Index

my_point['x'] = 5.0;  // uses IndexMut

println!("x is {}", my_point['x']);  // uses Index

Overloading operators

  • Just about all operators have corresponding traits
    • “+”: std::ops::Add
    • “+=”: std::ops::AddAssign
    • “<<”: std::ops::Shl
  • Here’s Add (slightly simplified):
// Default: RightSideType = Self (same type)
// Can change to add two things of different types together
trait Add<RightSideType = Self> {
    type Output;
    fn add(self, rhs: RightSideType) -> Self::Output;

Implementing it

// Add with no type params: RightSideType = Point3D
// In other words: add two Point3D together
impl Add for Point3D {
    type Output = Point3D; // result of adding is a Point3D
    fn add(self, rhs: Point3D) -> Self::Output {
        Point3D {
            x: self.x + rhs.x,
            y: self.y + rhs.y,
            z: self.z + rhs.z,

Trying it out

// Make two points
let my_point = Point3D { x: 1.0, y: 2.0, z: 3.0 };
let my_point2 = Point3D { x: 3.0, y: 2.0, z: 1.0 };

// Add them up
let my_final = my_point + my_point2;  // (4.0, 4.0, 4.0)


  • Use * operator to turn data into reference
  • Mutable or immutable
    • Usually: get immutable reference (read)
    • Left-side of assignment: mutable ref (write)
  • Note: usually don’t get owned values!
    • Refs usually don’t have ownership
    • Special exception: dereferencing Box

Deref/DerefMut Traits

  • Simplified defs look something like this:
trait Deref {
    type Target;  // returned ref will be to this type
    fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target;

trait DerefMut {
    type Target;  // returned ref will be to this type
    fn deref(&mut self) -> &mut Self::Target;
  • We’ll hear much more next time…


Everywhere in Rust

  • Reading command line args
  • Stepping through a file system directory
  • Looping through lines in a file
  • Handling incoming network connections

In a nutshell

  • Type that lets you step through a collection
  • Many things in Rust can be treated as iterators
trait Iterator {
  // Type of item produced
  type Item;

  // Try to get the next item
  fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item>;
  • next returns next item, or nothing if no more
  • Hold iterator state in the type implementing Iterator

Getting an iterator

  • Three typical flavors
    • into_iter(): produced owned values
    • iter(): produce immutable references
    • iter_mut(): produce mutable references
impl Blah {
    fn into_iter(self) -> BlahIterOwn { ... }

    fn iter(&self) -> BlahIterRef { ... }

    fn iter_mut(&mut self) -> BlahIterMut { ... }

Consuming iterators

  • Consuming iterators yield owned values
let v = vec![String::from("Hello"), String::from("World")];
let mut v_iter = v.into_iter();  // must be mut!

// Can get owned Strings out
let hello_string: String = v_iter.next().unwrap();
let world_string: String = v_iter.next().unwrap();

// Can't use v anymore: moved into iterator

Borrowing iterators

let v = vec![1, 2, 3];
let mut v_iter = v.iter();

assert_eq!(v_iter.next(), Some(&1));
assert_eq!(v_iter.next(), Some(&2));
assert_eq!(v_iter.next(), Some(&3));
assert_eq!(v_iter.next(), None);

Mutable iterators

let mut v = vec![1, 2, 3];
let mut v_iter = v.iter_mut();
let v_ref = v_iter.next().unwrap();

*v_ref = 9;  // mutate underlying vec

assert_eq!(v[0], 9);


  • How do we know the references are valid?
    1. Get an iterator from a mutable vector
    2. Get a reference from iterator
    3. Delete everything in vector
  • What happens to the reference?

Rust rejects program

  • This problem is called iterator invalidation
let mut my_vec = vec![1, 2, 3];

// Borrow my_vec immutably: fn iter(&self) -> ...
let mut my_iter = my_vec.iter();
let my_next = my_iter.next();

// Borrow my_vec mutably: fn clear(&mut self) -> ...

// Fails: can't take immutable borrow, then mutable borrow

For loops use iterators

  • Can loop over anything convertible into Iterator
let v = vec![1, 2, 3];

for val in v {
    println!("Got: {}", val);

IntoIterator trait

  • “This type can be converted into an iterator”
  • Trait definition looks something like the following:
trait IntoIterator {
    type Item;  // type of Item produced
    type IntoIter;  // type of iterator, needs Iterator trait

    // Turn self into an Iterator
    fn into_iter(self) -> Self::IntoIter;

For loops, desugared

let v = vec![1, 2, 3];
for val in v {
    println!("Got: {}", val);

for val in IntoIterator::into_iter(v) {
    println!("Got: {}", val);

for val in v.into_iter() {
    println!("Got: {}", val);

// same idea for &v or &mut v

Implementing iterators

  • Make a struct to hold state of iterator
struct Point3DIter {
    it_x: Option<f32>, it_y: Option<f32>, it_z: Option<f32>,
    cur_coord: char,

impl Point3DIter {
    fn new(p: Point3D) -> Self {
        Point3DIter {
            it_x: Some(p.x),
            it_y: Some(p.y),
            it_z: Some(p.z),
            cur_coord: 'x' // Initialize cur_coord to 'x'

Iterator trait

impl Iterator for Point3DIter {
    type Item = f32;  // iterator produces floats (f32)
    fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {
        match self.cur_coord {
            'x' => { self.cur_coord = 'y'; self.it_x.take() }
            'y' => { self.cur_coord = 'z'; self.it_y.take() }
            'z' => { self.cur_coord = 'a'; self.it_z.take() }
            _ => None

Testing it out

  • Implement IntoIterator for Point3D
impl IntoIterator for Point3D {
    fn into_iter(self) -> Point3DIter {

let my_point = Point3D { x: 1.0, y: 2.0, z: 3.0 };

for val in my_point {
    println!("Coordinate: {}", val);

in Rust

Review: Haskell closures

  • Functions mentioning external variables
  • May be anonymous, or named
fooEnv x y = let closure = (\a b -> x + y + a + b) in

Closures in Rust

  • Syntax similar, arguments between pipes
    • Don’t need to annotate types (unlike functions)
    • Braces are optional
let my_closure       = |arg| arg + 1;

// with type annotations and braces
let my_closure_annot = |arg:i32| -> i32 { arg + 1 };

// two arguments
let my_closure_two   = |foo, bar| foo + bar;

// no arguments, always returns 42
let my_closure_unit  = || 42;

Unexpected interactions

  • Normal Rust functions don’t capture context
  let ext = String::from("foo");
  fn bar(mut arg: String) -> String { arg.push_str(ext) }; // Bad
  • Who owns captured variables (ext) in this closure?
  let ext = String::from("foo");
  let bar = |mut arg| { arg.push_str(ext) }; // Who owns ext?

Closure traits

  • Rust uses traits to describe capture ownership
    • Only affects variables mentioned in body
  • Compiler infers which trait to assign a closure
    • Tries to assign the most permissive trait
    • Compiler may need help sometimes

Option 1: move

FnOnce trait

  • Trait for functions that can be called at most once
  • Closures take ownership of captured variables
    • As soon as closure is defined
    • Never returns ownership
  • FnOnce closures can be called at most once
    • Can’t take ownership multiple times!

Example: FnOnce

  • Use move syntax to make closure FnOnce
    • Only required variables are moved
  • Useful when spawning new threads (later)
    • Move everything thread needs into closure
let v = vec![1, 2, 3];
let copy_v = vec![1, 2, 3];
let is_equal = move |z| z == v; // Takes ownership of vector

println!("Can't print v: {}", v); // Not OK: v doesn't own

println!("Run closure: {}", is_equal(copy_v)); // OK

println!("Again? {}", is_equal(copy_v));       // Not OK

Option 2: immutable borrow

Fn trait

  • Trait for fns that can be called any number of times
  • Closures immutably borrow captured variables
    • Can’t modify captured variables
let env   = 0;
let a_str = "my string";

let simple_closure = |arg| arg + env;
let printf_closure = |arg| println!("strs: {}, {}", arg, a_str);

Option 3: mutable borrow

FnMut trait

  • Trait for fns that can be called any number of times
  • Closures mutably borrow captured variables
    • Can modify captured variables

Example: FnMut

  • FnMut is automatically inferred by compiler
let mut s = String::new();
println!("Before: {}", s); // Before:

    let mut app_s = |arg| s.push_str(arg);
    app_s(" foo");
    app_s(" bar");

println!("After: {}", s); // After: foo bar