Lecture 20

Theory and Design of PL (CS 538)

April 06, 2020

Iterator adapters

FP for iterators

  • Many functional languages: operate on lists
  • Rust: similar operations, but on iterators
  • Transform iterators into new iterators
    • chain: glue two iterators in sequence
    • zip: pair up two iterators
    • step_by: iterator skipping every few elements
    • skip/take: skip or take first few elements
  • All your favorites FP patterns
    • map/filter/fold/scan

Example: mapping

  • Common Rust operations defined on iterators
let v: Vec<i32> = vec![1, 2, 3];

let v2: Vec<i32> = v.iter()             // get iterator
                    .map(|x| x + 1)     // increment each by one
                    .collect();         // turn back into vector
// same as: let v2: Vec<i32> = v.iter().map(|x| x + 1).collect();

println!("v: {}", v); // OK: .iter() doesn't take ownership
println!("v2: {}", v2);
  • Chaining .foo().bar().baz() is Rust style

Example: filtering

  • Keep only elements satisfying predicate
let v: Vec<i32> = vec![1, 2, 3];

let v2: Vec<i32> = v.into_iter()        // takes ownership!
                    .filter(|x| x.is_even())
                    .collect();         // turn back into vector

println!("v2: {}", v2);
println!("v: {}", v); // Not OK: into_iter() took owernship

Chaining calls, chaining structs

  • Each call returns an intermediate struct
  • Methods defined on these structs
let v: Vec<i32> = vec![1, 2, 3];

// let v2: Vec<i32> = v.iter().map(|x| x + 1).collect();

let v2iter: Iter<&i32> = v.iter();

let v2map: Map<Iter<&i32>, fn(i32)->i32> = v2iter.map(|x| x + 1);

let v2: Vec<i32> = v2map.collect();

println!("v: {}", v); // OK: .iter() doesn't take ownership
println!("v2: {}", v2);

Recap: Rust References

The golden rules

  • Aliasing: two references to same memory
  • In any scope, there can be either:
    1. Any number of immutable references
    2. At most one mutable reference
  • … referring to the same data

One or the other: not both!

Plain refs: &T and &mut T

  • Standard, economy class references
  • Mutable/immutable view on some data
    • Does not own underlying data
    • Data guaranteed to be valid
  • When a ref falls out of scope: nothing happens
    • No ownership, no destructor, no deallocation
    • May allow new borrows to be taken

Box<T> type

  • Behaves almost exactly like a reference to T
    • Only difference: data is put on the heap
  • Box owns the underlying data
let my_box = Box::new(String::from("foo"));  // store foo

let un_box = *my_box;  // get data from the box

println!("box = {}", un_box);  // looks like normal String

Recursive types

  • Rust requires all data to have constant stacks size
  • Problem for recursive types
enum IntList {
  Cons(i32, IntList),
  • Compiler complains: don’t know size of IntList!

Solution: use a box

  • Put the thing of unknown size (IntList) on the heap
enum IntList {
  Cons(i32, Box<IntList>),
  • A bit awkward, but it works
fn main() {
  let list = Cons(1,


  • Owned data on the heap
  • Behaves much like normal mutable reference
    • Can be dereferenced, assigned to, etc.
  • When a box falls out of scope: heap deallocation
    • Owns data: guaranteed no live refs to data
  • Can move out data by dereferencing
    • Special case for Box type!

Making references smarter

“Smart pointers”

  • Look like references, but do more
  • Control over ownership, sharing, de-allocation, etc.
  • We use these all the time in Rust
    • Examples: String, Vec, …
  • Need unsafe Rust to implement these things

First operation: dereference

  • For references, * operation gets underlying data
    • Example: *ref returns target of ref
  • Dot notation does something similar
    • Example: ref.foo()

Second operation: drop

  • Data is dropped when its owner goes out of scope
  • When reference is dropped, nothing happens
    • Reference borrows data, doesn’t own it
  • Can customize drop to do more things


The Deref trait

  • Treat smart pointers like regular references
  • Get plain, immutable reference to data
    • DerefMut trait similar for mutable
trait Deref {
  type Target;

  fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target;
  • Compiler converts: *sp to *(sp.deref())


  • Augment plain data with some extra side data
struct MyBox<T> {
  data: T,      // underlying data
  size: i32,    // side info
  flag: bool,   // side info

impl<T> Deref for MyBox<T> {
  type Target = T;

  fn deref(&self) -> &T {
    // get a reference to underlying data

Quick aside: Auto-deref

  • Why do these all work?
fn is_none<T>(&self) -> bool    // method of Option<T>
                                // take Option ref, to bool

let my_opt = None;

let b1 = (&my_opt).is_none();   // OK: &my_opt is ref
let b2 = my_opt.is_none();      // but my_opt is not ref

let b3 = (&&my_opt).is_none();  // wait
let b4 = (&&&&&&&&&my_opt).is_none();  // ???

Compiler inserts derefs

  • Infers how many * and deref needed
    • Exact rules are not exactly specified
    • Mostly: Just Works
  • Current best description (from stackoverflow)
    • If have thing of type S and expecting type &T
    • Deref/* arbitrarily many times until type is T
    • Then add back a &
  • Makes deeply nested refs much easier to use
    • Just don’t think too hard about pointer types


The Drop trait

  • Describe destructor: what to run when cleaning up
trait Drop {
  fn drop(&mut self);
  • Before var goes out of scope, call var.drop()
  • Effect: tells stored data to do de-allocation


  • Print a message when dropping data
struct DropLoudString { data: String }
impl Drop for DropLoudString {
  fn drop(&mut self) { println!("Dropping `{}`!", self.data); }

fn main() {
  let c = DropLoudString { data: String::from("foo") };
    let d = DropLoudString { data: String::from("bar") };
    println!("DropLoudStrings created.");
    // Dropping `bar`!
  // Dropping `foo`!

Reference counted pointers

Multiple owners

  • Immutable underlying data
  • Smart pointer tracks number of owners
    • Increments when pointer is copied
    • Decrements when pointer is dropped
  • Data dropped when there are no owners

What could go wrong?

  • No owner: need to figure out when to deallocate
  • Multiple references share view on data
    • Mutation is dangerous

In Rust: std::rc::Rc

  • Rc<T> is type of reference counted pointer to T
  • Rc::new(foo): make new pointer holding foo
  • Rc::clone(rc_pt): make a copy of rc_pt

Example: sharing lists

  • Try to share a part of a list, but doesn’t work
enum List {
  Cons(i32, Box<List>),

fn main() {
  let a = Cons(5, Box::new(Cons(10, Box::new(Nil))));
  let b = Cons(3, Box::new(a)); // OK: owner is now b
  let c = Cons(4, Box::new(a)); // Not OK: a is not owner

Solution: use Rc

  • Explicitly make call to clone when sharing
enum List {
  Cons(i32, Rc<List>),  // change Box to Rc

fn main() {
  // Note: a is now Rc<List>, not List
  let a = Rc::new(Cons(5, Rc::new(Cons(10, Rc::new(Nil)))));

  let b = Cons(3, Rc::clone(&a)); // OK: clone reference
  let c = Cons(4, Rc::clone(&a)); // OK: clone reference

Toy model of Rc

  • Main Rc struct: holds a Box<T>, int count
    • One total, for all users
  • Rc handle struct: points to main struct
    • One per user
  • Clone: handle -> main -> increment count
    • Copy the handle (not main struct!)
  • Deref: handle -> main -> boxed data
  • Drop: handle -> main -> decrement count
    • If count zero, drop main struct and box
    • Drop the handle (not main struct!)

Why is this (mostly) safe?

  • Track how many pointers to data, deallocate at zero
    • Danger: reference cycles will leak memory
  • Ban mutation entirely
    • Don’t hand out mutable refs to data
    • Don’t implement DerefMut

Smarter pointers

Clone on Write

  • Smart pointer to some data
  • If need immutable access: don’t clone
    • Multiple readers safely share same copy
  • If need mutable access: clone an owned copy
    • Clone lazily, on demand


  • Essentially, an enum
    • Cow::Borrowed: points to borrowed value
    • Cow::Owned: points to owned value
let mut cow = Cow::Borrowed("moo");  // borrowed &str

println!("What does the cow say? {}", cow);  // doesn't clone

cow.to_mut().make_ascii_uppercase();  // clones to owned String

println!("What does the cow say now? {}", cow);  // MOO

What could go wrong?

  • Each holder of smart pointer thinks it owns data
  • May try to mutate “own copy” of data
  • Behind the scenes, may all be sharing same data
  • Don’t want other mutations to show up in my data

Why is this safe?

  • Can only get mut ref through to_mut
  • As long as no one calls this, it’s safe to share
    • No mutation == no problem with aliasing
  • Old idea in computer science

Interior Mutability

  • Sometimes: immutable fn mutates “under the hood”
    • Essentially, lie about mutability
  • Example: memoization
    • In first call, cache answer (mutate state)
    • In next calls, lookup answer
    • Want: client shouldn’t know about mutation!


  • Holds owned value T, gives out owned values
  • Types lie: claim Cell is immutably borrowed
fn set(&self, val: T)

fn take(&self) -> T

fn replace(&self, val: T) -> T

let c = Cell::new(5);
let six = c.take();

What could go wrong?

  • A lot, it turns out
  • Might mutate when there are other immut refs out
    • Allowed since set/replace borrows immutably!

Why is this safe?

  • Cell never gives borrows to T, only owned values!


  • Holds owned value T, gives out references to T
    • Alias rules checked at runtime: may panic!
fn borrow(&self) -> Ref<T>

fn borrow_mut(&self) -> RefMut<T>   // actually: mut borrow!

let c = RefCell::new(5);

let mut_ref = c.borrow_mut();
*mut_ref  = 7;

let other_ref = c.borrow();  // runtime panic: already mut ref

What could go wrong?

  • Even more stuff might go wrong
  • Really handing out refs to the inner data T
    • Mutable and immutable refs to T?
    • Two mutable refs to T live at same time

Why is this safe?

  • Need to enforce aliasing rules for safety
  • RefCell: enforce rules at runtime
    • If borrowing rules fail, panic

In more detail…

fn borrow(&self) -> Ref<T>

fn borrow_mut(&self) -> RefMut<T>   // actually: mut borrow!
  • Gives out “Ref” and “RefMut”
  • Not actually references—more smart pointers!
    • Track how many borrows of RefCell are alive

Pervasive in Rust

  • Quite common in C++ as well
  • Stay tuned: smart pointers for locking
    • Ref to locked value, exclusive access
    • Customized drop: auto unlock the lock!