Lecture 22

Theory and Design of PL (CS 538)

April 13, 2020

Shared-state concurrency

Idea: It’s good to share

  • All threads can modify shared data
  • Benefits
    • Threads can work on data in place
    • Big savings if the shared data is big
    • One, consistent view of shared data
  • Drawbacks
    • Not always safe to interrupt threads
    • Need to prevent data races

Critical sections

  • All parts of code accessing shared piece of data
  • Only one thread allowed in section at a time
    • Otherwise: possible race condition
  • Other threads must wait (“block”) until safe to enter

A bank account

  • Bank account tracks current account balance
  • Operations to deposit/withdrawn money
struct Account { balance: i32 };

impl Account {
    fn deposit(&mut self, amt: i32) { /* ... */ }

    fn withdraw(&mut self, amt: i32) {
        if self.balance < amt {
            println!("Insufficient funds.");
        } else {
            self.balance -= amt;

What could go wrong?

  • Suppose acct: Account has balance 100
  • Suppose two threads call acct.withdraw(75)
  • Interleaving may cause negative balance
    1. T1 checks if balance is enough: OK
    2. Before deduct balance, T2 runs
    3. T2 checks if balance is enough: OK
    4. T1 deducts 75: balance is 25
    5. T2 deducts 75: balance is -25

Locks (mutexes)

  • Main tool to enforce critical sections: locks
    • Threads can acquire or release locks
  • Only one thread can hold a lock at a time
    • If T1 tries to acquire lock held by T2, it has to wait until the lock is released by T2
  • Prevent data races by carefully using locks

A bank account, but safer

  • Following code gives the idea
    • Note: not real Rust code (stay tuned)
struct Account { balance: i32, mutex: Mutex };

impl Account {
    fn withdraw(&mut self, amt: i32) {
        if self.balance < amt {
            println!("Insufficient funds.");
        } else {
            self.balance -= amt;

Why does this work?

  • Only one thread can get the lock
  • If other thread tries to get lock, it must wait (block)
  • Result: thread runs withdraw with no interruptions
    • Programmer doesn’t pick which thread goes first

Locking discipline

  • More locks = more problems
  • Programmer must coordinate how threads use locks
    • Which locks to acquire, when and where
    • What order to acquire locks
    • When and where to release locks
  • Specified by programmer, not checked by compiler


  • “When reading/writing, must hold global lock”
    • Strongly limits concurrency
  • “When reading/writing x, must hold lock for x”
    • What if you need operate on two variables?
  • Real schemes are usually much more complicated

Many bugs are possible

  • Too little locking or forget to take lock?
    • Data races and unpredictable behavior
  • Too much locking?
    • Lots of threads waiting, little concurrency
  • Forget to release lock?
    • Waiting threads will block forever

Message-passing concurrency

Idea: Sharing is a bad idea

  • Don’t share data between threads
    • Each thread operates on private data only
    • Threads send/receive messages
  • Benefits
    • All interaction confined to thread input queues
    • No sharing = no data races = no manual locks
  • Drawbacks
    • Inefficient if we need to send lots of data
    • Harder to synchronize, no common view of data

A bank account, message passing

  • Idea: Clients send withdrawl messages
  • Fancier: Clients can have message queues too
struct Client { the_acct: &mut Account };

impl Client {
  fn withdraw(&self, amt: i32) {

A bank account, message passing

  • Idea: give Account a message queue
    • Again: not real Rust code (stay tuned)
enum AcctMsg { Withdraw(i32), // ... other messages ...  }
struct Account { balance: i32, msg: VecDeque<AcctMsg> };

impl Account {
  fn send_withdraw(&mut self, amt: i32) {
  fn run_acct(&mut self) {
    loop {
      if let Some(Withdraw(amt)) = self.msg.pop_front() {
        if self.balance < amt {
          println!("Insufficient funds.");
        } else { self.balance -= amt; }
      } } } }

What’s the point?

  • Account and Clients run in separate threads
  • Account processes messages one at a time
    • Single thread: no overlapping withdraws!
  • Synchronization needed only at message queue
    • If two clients send msgs, update queue correctly
  • Reduce and restrict shared state
    • As much as possible: run logic in a single thread


  • Central abstraction for message passing
  • Goes from thread(s) to other thread(s)
  • Messages might arrive in any order
  • Receiver sees a single stream of messages

Channel operations

  • Each thread can send or receive message via channel
  • Synchronous channels
    • Receiving waits until something arrives (blocking)
  • Asynchronous channels
    • Try-receive: does not block if nothing incoming
    • Select: wait for msg. from any of these channels


Circular wait

  • All threads blocked waiting for other threads
  • Shared-state example
    • T1: take lock x, take lock y
    • T2: take lock y, take lock x
    • T1 takes x and T2 takes y: Deadlock!
  • Obvious here, but harder with more locks/threads…
  • Can happen under message-passing too
    • Two threads both waiting for message

Dining philosophers

  • N philosophers (threads), sitting in a circle
  • N forks (locks), one between every 2 philosophers
  • Philosophers think, then eat, then think, …
  • To eat: philosopher takes left fork, then right fork
  • If all philosophers take left fork: stuck!

How to fix?

  • One special philosopher: take right fork, then left
  • Other philosophers: take left fork, then right
  • Break the symmetry between threads
  • In general: fixing deadlocks is very challenging

Rust threads

Spawning threads

  • Rust function: thread::spawn
    • Caller passes in a closure for new thread to run
  • Terminology: caller is parent, new thread is child
fn main() {
  thread::spawn( || {  // begin closure (child runs this)
      for i in 1..10 {
        println!("hi number {} from the spawned thread!", i);
        // do some stuff, sleep for 10 seconds, ...
    } );  // end closure

Returns immediately

  • Returns a handle, parent continues running
  • Child thread may not finish before parent
fn main() {
  let child = thread::spawn( || {  // start child
      for i in 1..10 {
        println!("hi number {} from the spawned thread!", i);
        // do some stuff, sleep for 10 seconds, ...
      } });

  // parent thread continues
  for i in 1..5 {
    println!("hi number {} from the main thread!", i);
    // do some stuff, sleep for 10 seconds, ...

Joining threads

  • join: wait for threads to finish
  • Call with handle from spawn to wait for that thread
fn main() {
  let child = thread::spawn( || {
      for i in 1..10 {
        println!("hi number {} from the spawned thread!", i);
        // do some stuff, sleep for 10 seconds, ...
      } });

  for i in 1..5 {
    println!("hi number {} from the main thread!", i);
    // do some stuff, sleep for 10 seconds, ...

  child.join(); // wait for child to finish

Thread environment

  • Common case: parent wants to put data into thread
  • Mechanism: closure mentions external variables
    • Must move or clone environment into each thread
let env_var: String = String::from("foo");
let child_one = thread::spawn( || {
  // Not OK: env_var doesn't live long enough
  let my_var = env_var;
  println!("Child 1 printing: {}", my_var);

let child_two = thread::spawn( move || {
  // OK: thread takes ownership of env_var
  let my_var = env_var;
  println!("Child 2 printing: {}", my_var);

Each data has one owner

  • Compiler: variable moved into at most one thread
let mut mut_var = String::new("foo");
let child_one = thread::spawn( move || {
  // OK: thread takes ownership of mut_var
  mut_var.push_str(" and bar");

let child_two = thread::spawn( move || {
  // Not OK: can't move mut_var again!
  mut_var.push_str(" and baz");

Rust compiler prevents data races!

Other races possible

  • Many resources not covered by aliasing rules
    • Printing lines to screen
    • Reading/writing from file system
    • Sending/receiving network packets
  • Races in other effects not controlled by Rust

What about sharing?

  • Can’t share mutable access to same data
  • But what about sharing immutable access?
  • Does this work?
let env_var = String::new("foo");
let child_one = thread::spawn( || {
  // Thread borrows env_var immutably
  println!("Child 1 says: {}", env_var);

let child_two = thread::spawn( || {
  // Thread borrows env_var immutably
  println!("Child 2 says: {}", env_var);

Doesn’t live long enough

  • Parent may finish early, deallocate env_var
  • Child threads may hold dangling reference…
  • Try: use Rc to share ownership
let env_var_old = Rc::new(String::new("foo"));
let env_var_one = Rc::clone(&env_var_old);
let env_var_two = Rc::clone(&env_var_old);
let child_one = thread::spawn(move || {
  println!("Child 1 says: {}", env_var_one);

let child_two = thread::spawn(move || {
  println!("Child 2 says: {}", env_var_two);

// String will live as long as one Rc is still alive

Still not happy

  • “Rc doesn’t implement Sync, try Arc”
  • Now it works. But what was the problem?
let env_var_old = Arc::new(String::new("foo"));
let env_var_one = Arc::clone(&env_var_old);
let env_var_two = Arc::clone(&env_var_old);
let child_one = thread::spawn(move || {
  println!("Child 1 says: {}", env_var_one);

let child_two = thread::spawn(move || {
  println!("Child 2 says: {}", env_var_two);

Traits for thread-safety


  • Thread safe data: safe to share between threads
  • Interface and internals must be carefully designed
    • Multiple threads may operate on same data
    • Threads may call different operations
    • Resumed/paused/interrupted at any time

Checked by Rust compiler

  • By default, custom types are not thread safe
    • If you share between threads, bad stuff happens
  • Much of standard library is thread safe
    • Vec, HashMap, String, …

Rust compiler complains if you don’t use thread safe libraries with threads!

Thread-safety traits

  • Tracked at the type level through traits
    • Send trait: can be sent to another thread
    • Sync trait: can be shared by multiple threads
  • Marker traits: no required implementations
    • Can’t implement in safe Rust, essentially a promise
  • Examples
    • Rc doesn’t implement Send or Sync: not safe!
    • Arc implements Send and Sync: thread safe!