Lecture 25

Theory and Design of PL (CS 538)

April 22, 2020

Scheduling notes

Takehome final: May 4 (Monday)

  • Covers up to next Monday (inclusive)
  • Open notes/computer/internet
  • Think: mini versions of HW/WR assignments
  • You will have 24 hours to complete it
    • Don’t spend 24 hours on it

Stay tuned for more detailed instructions

Three more lectures

  1. Asynchronous concurrency
  2. More async in Rust
  3. Unsafe Rust and wrapup

Asynchronous Rust

  • This stuff is very new: stabilized end of 2019
  • Initial result of 4-5 years of discussions
  • Ecosystem/libraries/patterns are still evolving
    • More extensions are planned

Very impressive feature

  • Unlike C#/Python/JS, implemented as a Rust library
    • No runtime support built into language
  • Similar to C or C++
    • Suitable for low=level settings: OS, embedded, etc.
  • With all the benefits of Rust
    • No GC, no memory leaks/errors, no data races, …
  • A bit of compiler support to make it easy to use

We will go (too) fast

  1. How do I use this thing?
    • Syntax, meaning, common pitfalls
  2. Why are things designed this way?
    • Motivation, constraints, requirements
  3. What’s really going on under the hood?
    • Gory details, optimizations, implementation

Not all material is equally important!

The concurrency story so far

Central tool: threads

  1. Write a bunch of closures
  2. Spawn a bunch of threads
  3. Wait for threads to finish

Pre-emptive concurrency

  • In Rust: threads provided by the OS
  • OS scheduler decides which threads to run
  • Pre-emptive: threads can be switched at any time
    • Don’t want one OS process to hog CPU

What’s wrong with threads?

  • OS threads are heavy: require a lot of resources
    • Each thread has an execution stack
    • Tracks state; may pause at any point in time
  • All OSes have thread limits
    • Few hundred threads OK, few thousand not OK

Sometimes, we don’t have threads

  • Implementing an OS kernel
  • Code for embedded systems
    • E.g., programming a Raspberry Pi
  • Code running client-side in browser
    • E.g., Javascript code or WebAssembly (wasm)

Q: What if we need more concurrency?

Example: “C10k problem”

  • Server: how to handle 10k concurrent connections?
    • Each one: tiny bit of compute, lots of waiting
  • Need concurrency, but can’t spawn 10k threads
    • Spawn 1000 threads: lots of waiting
  • Today: 1 machine can handle 1M-10M connections

Cooperative multitasking

The main idea

  1. Run many tasks on the same thread
  2. Tasks yield control when they need to wait
    • Yield = let other tasks run
  3. Cooperative: tasks work together
    • Task keeps running until it yields

Use a small number of threads to handle a lot of concurrent tasks


  • Proposed by Melvin Conway in 1958
  • Generalizes subroutine/function call
  • Subroutine: call, compute, return, done.
  • Coroutine: call, compute, yield, call, compute, yield, …
    • Can call/return more than once
    • Remembers state between calls

Coroutine examples: Python

# Generator producing 0, 1, ..., n-1 one at a time
def firstn(n):
    num = 0
    while num < n:
        yield num  # return num to caller, suspend execution
        num += 1   # resume here next time generator called

gen = firstn(100);  # initialize generator

res0 = next(gen);   # 0
res1 = next(gen);   # 1
res2 = next(gen);   # 2
res3 = next(gen);   # 3

Why coroutines?

1. Programming pattern

  • Natural for producers/consumers, pipelines
  • Producer: coroutine that computes and yields
  • Consumer: coroutine that accepts and computes
  • Can be awkward to write with regular subroutines
    • Who is the caller? Who is called?
    • Don’t want to mash producer/consumer together

Example: Producer-consumer

  • Yield to another coroutine, not just to caller
var q := new queue

coroutine produce
        while q is not full
            create some new items
            add the items to q
        yield to consume

coroutine consume
        while q is not empty
            remove some items from q
            use the items
        yield to produce

2. Better performance

  • Scheduler can be lighter
    • Don’t need to interrupt processes
  • Tasks can be lighter
    • Yield when ready, not at random points in time
  • More efficient context switches
    • Tasks can prepare for yield, save less state

Networking and disk I/O

  • One of the original motivating applications
  • Network transmission, disk I/O are slow (vs CPU)
  • Ideal properties for cooperative multitasking
    1. Operations involve very little computation
    2. Operations involve a lot of waiting

Potential for a lot more concurrency than one task per thread!

Cooperative versus pre-emptive

  • Cooperative is not “better than” pre-emptive
    • Often more complex, error prone, messy
  • Drawbacks can be avoided with runtime support
    • See Erlang, Go
  • Sometimes: cooperative gives better performance

Generally: only use it if you need it!

Implementing coroutines

Large design space

  • Many languages have coroutines
    • E.g., C#, Erlang, Go, JS, Kotlin, Python, Scala
  • Many different tradeoffs. Two main choices:
    1. Stack or no stack?
    2. Who decides when to yield?

Choice 1: Stack or no stack?

  • Stackful coroutines (as seen in Go, …)
    • Each coroutine has an execution stack
    • AKA “green threads”, “fibers”, “goroutines”
  • Stackless coroutines (as seen in Kotlin, Rust, …)
    • Coroutines do not have execution stacks

Choice 2: Who decides when to yield?

  • Who decides when coroutines are ready to yield?
  • Runtime (as seen in Go, …)
    • Runtime automatically swaps task when it blocks
    • Programmer doesn’t need to write yield
  • Programmer (as seen in Kotlin, Rust, …)
    • Runtime doesn’t automatically swap tasks
    • Programmer write yield, makes sure not to block

Building coroutines: state machines

Simple example: restaurant waiter

  • Restaurant process
    1. Take food order
    2. Take drink order
    3. Make food: burger or pizza
    4. Make drink: milkshake or iced tea
    5. Wash dishes
  • Each step may be very slow
    • Don’t block: yield control after each step

In pseudocode

food = order_food();    // yield until order ready
drink = order_drink();  // yield until drink order ready
if food == burger
  make_burger();        // yield until burger ready
  make_pizza();         // yield until pizza ready
if drink == milkshake
  make_milkshake();     // yield until milkshake ready
  make_iced_tea();      // yield until tea ready
wash_dishes();          // yield until dishes ready

Model as a state machine

  • States: places where we may need to wait
  • Process starts in Start state
  • At each step:
    • If process is ready, change state
    • If process not ready, yield control
  • At end: process reaches Done state

State machines types

  • First things first: let’s set up the types
enum Food { Burger, Pizza }
enum Drink { Milkshake, Tea }

enum WaiterState {
  WaitingForDrink(Food),    // remember food order
  WaitingForBurger(Drink),  // remember drink order
  WaitingForPizza(Drink),   // remember drink order

State machine code

struct Waiter { state: WaiterState }
impl Waiter {
  fn step (&mut self) { 
    match self.state {
      Start => { start_order_food(); self.state = WaitingForFood }
      WaitingForFood => {
        if let Ready(food) = get_food_order() {
          self.state = WaitingForDrink(food)
      // ...

State machine, cont’d

match self.state {
  // ...
  WaitingForDrink(food) => {
    if let Ready(drink) = get_drink_order() {
      if food == Burger {
        self.state = WaitingForBurger(drink)
      } else {
        self.state = WaitingForPizza(drink)
  WaitingForBurger(drink) => { /* ... */ }
  // ...

State machine driver

let mut waiter = Waiter { state: Start };

while waiter.state != Done {

What’s wrong with state machines?

  • Enums can be very complex
    • Complicated to track what data to save in states
  • Easy to make mistakes
    • Need to make sure transitions are correct
  • Just a pain in the ass to write!

Complex example: a faster waiter

  • Two food items: burger or pizza
  • Two drink items: milkshake or iced tea
  • Restaurant process
    1. Take two food orders, then make food
    2. Take two drink orders, then make drinks
    3. After everything, wash dishes
  • Fast waiter: 1. and 2. can happen simultaneously

What does the state look like?

  • It’s looking pretty pretty ugly here…
enum WaiterState {
  WaitFood1_WaitDrink2(Food),    // food for 2
  WaitFood1_WaitBurger2(Drink),  // drink for 2
  WaitFood1_WaitPizza2(Drink),   // drink for 2

  WaitDrink1_WaitFood2(Food),          // food for 1
  WaitDrink1_WaitDrink2(Food, Food),   // food for 1 and 2
  WaitDrink1_WaitBurger2(Food, Drink), // food for 1, drink for 2
  WaitDrink1_WaitPizza2(Food, Drink),  // food for 1, drink for 2
  WaitDrink1_WaitMilkshake2(Food),     // food for 1
  WaitDrink1_WaitTea2(Food),           // food for 1
  WaitDrink1_WaitDishes2(Food),        // food for 1

  // ... like another 35 states ...

Building coroutines: (simple) futures

Combine state machines together

  • Two ingredients
    1. Building block state machines
    2. Ways to combine state machines
  • We’ve seen this pattern before (e.g., parser)
  • A state machine type has Future trait (“is a Future”)

Simple futures

  • A simple version of the Rust Future trait
enum Poll<T> {
  NotReady,  // value not ready yet
  Ready(T)   // a value of type T is ready

trait Future {
  type Output;  // the thing that is produced

  // try to make a step in state machine
  // if state machine done, return `Ready`
  fn poll (&mut self) -> Poll<Self::Output>

Hide states behind abstraction

  • Caller only cares about: are we there yet?
    • If done: get me the final result
    • If not done: try to make progress
  • Each call to poll might advance state machine
    • Returns Ready: state machine done
    • Returns NotReady: did some work, not done yet
  • Caller doesn’t need to think about state!

Combining futures: sequencing

  • State machines, just hidden
enum ThenState<Fut1, Fut2, F, T> {
  Start(Fut1, F),

fn then<Fut1, Fut2, F, T>(fst: Fut1, f: F)
    -> ThenState<Fut1, Fut2, F, T>
    Fut1: Future<Output = S>,
    F: FnOnce(S) -> Fut2,
    Fut2: Future<Output = T>,
{ Start(fst, f) }

Combining futures: sequencing

  • How to run this state machine?
impl Future for ThenState<Fut1, Fut2, F, T> {
  type Output = T;
  fn poll(&mut self) -> Poll<T> {
    match self {
      Start(fut1, f) => {
        if let Ready(res1) = fut1.poll() {
          *self = WaitingSecond(f(res1)); return NotReady
      WaitingSecond(fut2) => {
        if let Ready(res2) = fut2.poll() {
          *self = Done(res2); return NotReady
      Done(res) => return Ready(res)

This pattern again…

  • What the heck is this crazy type?
fn then<Fut1, Fut2, F, T>(first: Fut1, f: F)
   -> ThenState<Fut1, Fut2, F, T>
    Fut1: Future<Output = S>,
    F: FnOnce(S) -> Fut2,
    Fut2: Future<Output = T>,
  • What would this look like in Haskell?
then :: Future S -> (S -> Future T) -> Future T

-- The same type as bind (>>=)... Future is a Monad!

Combining futures: parallel

  • State machines, just hidden
enum JoinState<Fut1, Fut2, F, T> {
  Start(Fut1, Fut2),
  WaitingFirst(Fut1, T2),
  WaitingSecond(T1, Fut2),
  Done(T1, T2),

fn join<Fut1, Fut2, T1, T2>(fst: Fut1, snd: Fut2)
   -> JoinState<Fut1, Fut2, T1, T2>
    Fut1: Future<Output = T1>,
    Fut2: Future<Output = T2>,
{ Start(fst, snd) }

Combining futures: sequencing

  • How to run this state machine?
impl Future for JoinState<Fut1, Fut2, T1, T2> {
  type Output = (T1, T2);
  fn poll(&mut self) -> Poll<T> {
    match self {
      Start(fut1, fut2) => {
        match (fut1.poll(), fut2.poll()) {
          (Ready(res1), Ready(res2)) => *self = Done(res1, res2),
          (Ready(res1), NotReady) => *self = WaitingSecond(res1, fut2),
          (NotReady, Ready(res2)) => *self = WaitingFirst(fut1, res2),
          _ => (),
        }; return NotReady
      WaitingFirst(fut1, res2) => {
        if let Ready(res2) = fut2.poll() {
          *self = Done(res1, res2); return NotReady
      WaitingSecond(res1, fut2) => {
        if let Ready(res1) = fut1.poll() {
          *self = Done(res1, res2); return NotReady
      Done(res1, res2) => return Ready(res1, res2)

A different pattern…

  • What the heck is this crazy type?
fn join<Fut1, Fut2, T1, T2>(fst: Fut1, snd: Fut2) -> JoinState<Fut1, Fut2, T1, T2>
    Fut1: Future<Output = T1>,
    Fut2: Future<Output = T2>,
{ Start(fst, snd) }
  • What would this look like in Haskell?
join :: Future S -> Future T -> Future (S, T)

-- For the curious: Future is a "strong monad"

Running example

  • Use Futures to model ops that take time to complete
// impl Future for FoodFuture { type Output = Food; ... }
let mut get_food_order: FoodFuture = ...;

// impl Future for DrinkFuture { type Output = (Drink, Food); ... }
// Keep track of food order while getting drink
let mut get_drink_with_ord: Fn(Food) -> DrinkFuture = ...;

// impl Future for BurgerFuture { type Output = Drink; ... }
// Keep track of drink order while making burger
let mut make_burger_with_drink: Fn(Drink) -> BurgerFuture = ...;
let mut make_pizza_with_drink: Fn(Drink) -> PizzaFuture = ...;
let mut make_milkshake: MilkshakeFuture = ...;
let mut make_tea: TeaFuture = ...;
let mut wash_dishes: DishesFuture = ...;

Running example

  • Combine futures with combinators
let mut cust1 = get_food_order
  .then(|ord| get_drink_with_order(ord))
  .then(|(drink, ord)| {
      if ord == Burger { make_burger_with_drink(drink) }
      else { make_pizza_with_drink(drink) }
  .then(|drink| {
      if drink == Milkshake { make_milkshake }
      else { make_tea }
let mut cust2 = // ... same as cust1 ...
let mut waiter = future::join(cust1, cust2).then(|| wash_dishes);

Even faster waiter

  • Take food and drink orders in any order
let mut cust_food1 = get_food_order
  .then(|ord| {
      if ord == Burger { make_burger }
      else { make_pizza }
let mut cust_drink1 = get_drink
  .then(|drink| {
      if drink == Milkshake { make_milkshake }
      else { make_tea }
let mut cust_food2 = // ... same as cust_food1 ...
let mut cust_drink2 = // ... same as cust_drink1 ...
let mut waiter_future = future::join4(
  cust_food1, cust_food2, cust_drink1, cust_drink2)
  .then(|| wash_dishes);

Future driver

let mut waiter_future = ...;
let mut waiter_status = NotReady;

// repeatedly poll the future until it is ready
while waiter_status == NotReady {
  waiter_status = waiter_future.poll();

return waiter_status;  // at end: Ready(res)

What’s good about futures?

  • Much simpler than writing state machines by hand
  • Combine in sequence or in parallel
  • Uniform interface for futures: poll
  • Libraries work generically with all futures

What’s wrong with futures?

  • Code can still be pretty ugly
    • Hard to understand, hard to debug
  • Sometimes still need state machines by hand
    • What if we want to loop?
  • Need to keep track of what state to save
    • E.g., drink order remembers food order
    • Especially tricky: remembering references